Sustainable Development Goals

Scientists of the NURE who participated in the Tenth International Conference womENcourage 2023
Scientists of the NURE who participated in the Tenth International Conference womENcourage 2023


The Tenth International Conference ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage™ 2023 was held from September 20-22, 2023, with the support of ACM-W Europe. This year’s conference was organized in Trondheim, Norway at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

This year’s theme is “Computerization Bringing Everyone Together”. Computing is a powerful means of bringing together people with different backgrounds, ambitions, passions, personalities and cultures, from academia and industry, in a post-pandemic recovered creative world. Open to all genders, womENcourage™ was initiated by ACM-W Europe and aims to bring women together across technical disciplines and encourage them to pursue further education and careers in computing. WomENcourage™ brings together women in the computer profession and related technical industries to share knowledge and experience, and to provide special support for women who are pursuing degrees and starting careers in computer technology. With a program packed with in-depth topics and engaging educational and networking events, womENcourage™ provides a unique experience of the collective energy, drive and excellence that professional women share to support each other.

Scientists of NURE took part in the meetings of the working group of the international project GTUA
Scientists of NURE took part in the meetings of the working group of the international project GTUA


Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computerized Technologies (ACT), professor of the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Robotics (CITAR) Oleksandr FILIPENKO from September 18 to 23, 2023, took part in the meetings of the working group of representatives of 7 Ukrainian universities within the framework of the implementation of the international project Green Transitions in Ukrainian Universities, financed by the national agency for academic exchanges NAWA of the Republic of Poland.

The events took place at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw Tech) (Wroclaw, Republic of Poland). The working meetings included a direct discussion of the implementation of project tasks – the development of training courses for microcredits in the field of green transformation (Renewable Energy; RRR – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle; Smart and Green Transport), discussion of self-assessment methods and external expert assessment of the level of implementation of “green” solutions by Ukrainian universities in education, science and the learning environment (campus), which correspond to the provisions of the Green Transitions in Ukrainian Universities standards, developed at the previous stage of the international project.

“Inventors and Researchers – Together To Victory”
“Inventors and Researchers – Together To Victory”


The online conference “Inventors and Researchers – Together to Victory”  was held on the occasion for the Day of Inventor and Innovator of Ukraine. The organizer was the Department of Scientific and Information Support of Innovative Processes of the V.G. Korolenko Kharkiv State Scientific Library.  The event was attended by 69 participants – representatives of academic and innovation communities from different cities of Ukraine. About 30 reports were presented, aimed at developing research and invention activities in Ukraine.
Professor Oleg Avrunin presented a report on inventive activity in biomedical engineering, in particular, the experience of his own developments in the field of testing human nasal breathing in extreme conditions. The report was dedicated to the memory of pilot Juice – Major Andriy Pilshchikov, a true hero and a well-known Kharkiv citizen who did a lot to start the process of providing Ukraine with F-16 fighters. He was personally interested in and participated in the testing of our department’s developments. It is the study of nasal breathing function during physical activity that is very important when testing pilots, athletes and representatives of other professions where it is necessary to determine the potential capabilities of the body.
International Programs Coordinator Liudmyla Titova introduced the JoInME program “Entrepreneurship in the field of  Artificial Intelligence for Industry 5.0”. The JoInME training program was introduced as a response to address the need for high-quality contemporary education in the face of challenging circumstances brought about by crises, including pandemics and war conflicts.



On September 18, the teachers of the BME Department of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics organized an educational event on sports medicine and physical rehabilitation, which was aimed at achieving the Third Global Goal of the UN Sustainable Development – good health and well-being.

In order to popularize the monitoring and control of the state of physical health with the help of modern medical devices for individual use, the teachers conducted a visual study for their students of the specialty Biomedical Engineering in the conditions of distance education during the martial law.

Workshop on the training methodologies developed within Erasmus+ projects
Workshop on the training methodologies developed within Erasmus+ projects


On 15 September 2023, NURE’s projectі members representing 2 Departments, namely Artificial Intelligence and Economic Cybernetics and Management of Economic Security, together with colleagues from ITSU (Kyiv) held the Workshop “Co-evolution “Business-University”: New Realities – New Practices” disseminating the methodological results of 3 Erasmus+ projects UniCities, WARN and JoInME.

NURE has a leading role in both projects WARN and JoInME. Workshop delivered the practices have been developed for efficient teaching countering hybrid threats (following the project WARN) and for innovative entrepreneurship in the fields of artificial intelligence for Industry 5.0 (following the JoInME project) in response to the dramatically changed security situation caused by unpredictable challenges like pandemics or wars.

Restrictions on premium payments have been cancelled
Restrictions on premium payments have been cancelled


Under the leadership of the chairman of the Primary Trade Union Organisation Andrii Frolov and the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities Yurii Romanenkov, a meeting of the conciliation committee was held to amend the Collective Agreement between the administration and the committee of the Primary Trade Union Organisation of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.



As part of the long-term cooperation of the Department of Biomedical Engineering with the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation, a joint media project was launched to create educational video content for high-quality training of specialists in the field of orthopedic technologies, prosthetics and orthotics.

A JOINT MEDIA PROJECT ON THE CREATION OF EDUCATIONAL VIDEO CONTENT HAS STARTED AT THE BME DEPARTMENTA joint media project with UkrNDI was launched at the department of BMI to create educational video content. The introduction of modern digital equipment for video shooting, which is available at the department, as well as the creation of a panoramic 3D video with the effect of presence helps to increase the effectiveness of education, as it allows to see the methods and techniques in orthopedic technologies.

Participation of NURE in the project “European Excellence Initiative”
Participation of NURE in the project “European Excellence Initiative”


In line with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, on the initiative of the staff of the Department of Computer Intelligent Technologies and Systems (CITS) of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, an application was submitted and the right to participate in the program was granted INITIATE.

Project name: European Excellence Initiative
Type: HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-03-01 – Exchange of research staff and postgraduate students
Grant agreement No. 101136775 – INITIATE
Project duration: 42 місяці (2023 – 2027)
Coordinator: University of Zagreb, Croatia

Gender Equality Plan for 2022-2024
Gender Equality Plan for 2022-2024


On September 1, 2023, a general meeting of the staff of the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control of the Kharkiv University of Radio Electronics was held online, at which it was decided the gender equality plan of the faculty for 2023-24 was adopted . The plan clarifies the work procedure during the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities of Women and Men” dated September 8, 2005, the Law of Ukraine “On Principles of Prevention and Counteraction of Discrimination in Ukraine” dated September 6. 2012, Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 12. 2022 No. 752 ;On the approval of the State Strategy for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men for the period up to 2030 and the approval of the operational plan for its implementation for 2022-2024; and Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 20.12. 2022 No. 1163-r “On the approval of the Strategy for the implementation of gender equality in the field of education until 2030 and the approval of the operational plan of activities for 2022-2024 in the daily work of the faculty with the aim of further developing the culture of gender equality in all areas of the faculty’s activities.

By analyzing the current situation at the faculty, several areas of work were identified that will help the faculty achieve goals related to the real implementation of gender equality and improve the working culture of the faculty.

The WARN project has been extended for one year
The WARN project has been extended for one year


The Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security of NURE received fantastic news from The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA): the WARN project has been extended for one year, until November 15, 2024!

This decision is a result of:

NURE scientists took part in the webinar “European Integration: Ensuring Sustainable Development of Higher Education and Society in Ukraine”
NURE scientists took part in the webinar “European Integration: Ensuring Sustainable Development of Higher Education and Society in Ukraine”


On 25 July 2023 a cluster event on digitization and innovation for social development – webinar “European integration: ensuring sustainable development of higher education and society in Ukraine” was organised.

The organizers of the event: National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, HERE team, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

NURE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
NURE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics has implemented a policy aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion, as well as gender equality in all aspects of the University’s activities.
At the presentation of the Policy on July 6 at the meeting of the Academic Council, it was noted that NURE is committed to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, 5 and 10, which focus on gender equality and the reduction of inequality. NURE’s success in achieving these SDGs is reflected in the results of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings. The approved policy is aimed at ensuring equality, eliminating gender stereotypes and creating equal conditions for all, it enshrines the gender principles of the University, which include issues related to both teachers and students.

NURE is one of the first universities in Ukraine that established the Center for Gender Education in 2012, the University is working to create an environment free of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination, a space for competent people regardless of their sex, gender, health status, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, marital status, etc.