NURE Medical Center

The medical center is located in the “K” building of the University at the address: st. Bakulina, 16.

The health center is open 5 days a week: Monday – Friday from 8:00 to 17:00.

Phone: 702-15-98

The main tasks and functions of the medical center:

– timely provision of first aid to students and staff in case of sudden illness and accidents;

– department of the City Student Hospital, as well as in other treatment and prevention facilities;

– organization and conduct of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures;

– training of women of childbearing age in family planning;

– organization of permanent examination of temporary incapacity for work of students, dismissal from classes, issuance of a certificate of health;

– health education through lectures on AIDS prevention, drug addiction, Vienna diseases, methods of contraception, etc., by inviting leading specialists of the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise (KNP) “City Student Hospital” of the Kharkiv City Council;

– providing fluorographic examination of students and staff.

NURE Medical Center

The main activities of the nurse of the medical center:

– provides infectious safety (adheres to the rules of sanitary and anti-epidermic regime, asepsis, properly stores, processes, sterilizes and uses medical devices);

– performs all stages of the nursing process in patient care;

– timely and efficiently performs preventive and curative diagnostic procedures prescribed by a physician; accidents followed by a doctor’s call to the patient or referral to a medical institution;

– provides proper storage, accounting and write-off of drugs, compliance with the rules of medication by patients;

– maintains approved medical records;

– conducts sanitary and educational work on health promotion and disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

NURE Medical Center

Сurrently the medical reform came into force, according to which every citizen for professional and quality care has make a declaration with a therapist. The document can be issued temporarily or valid for a period that satisfies you.

There are two therapists working at the NURE medical center, with whom you can draw up the above-mentioned declaration.

Cherepovska Victoria Mykolayivna – office №7. Opening hours from 11:00 to 17:00

Begun Lyudmila Petrovna – office №8.Opening hours from 8:00 to 15:00.


To the university dormitory during the quarantine, students must undergo a medical examination at the medical center NURE office. № 7; 8 and obtain a medical certificate that allows accommodation in a dormitory. In some cases, on the recommendation of doctors, the student may be accommodated in the medical isolator of the dormitory to undergo temporary isolation under the supervision of medical staff, and if necessary, sent to the appropriate medical institution.

On the opening of a vaccination center in NURE

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in NURE medical center deployed a vaccination point, where anyone can get a vaccine.

Vaccination is carried out from 9:00 to 15:00.

Have a passport and a code with you when you visit the vaccination point.

NURE Medical Center   NURE Medical Center