Graduate student of the department Ibrahim Yunuss Abdelhamid took part in the events of the World Health Care Exhibition in the period from October 29 to 31 in the capital of Saudi Arabia – Riyadh. Ibrahim Yunuss Abdelhamid is leading the way for change, research, development and innovation in biomedical engineering in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in line with Vision 2030, through his effective contribution to the success of the innovation initiative for human health. He supervised the progress of the scientific innovation competition, the results of which were announced during the event. This confirms the quality of scientific products of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and strengthens the leading role of the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the technologies of education and quality training of specialists under the leadership of Professor Oleg Avrunin.
Another achievement of this team of authors during the exhibition was the receipt of an international patent for a device for testing nasal breathing in the Republic of South Korea.