Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, NURE, is one of the most distinctly profiled universities in Ukraine, where applied IT and innovation for sustainable are in focus. NURE has the vision to conduct education and research in which engineering and IT can be integrated with other disciplines.
Everything we do at NURE has three distinct perspectives: innovation, sustainability and in real life, which means collaboration and exchange with both the business and industry as well as society.
Vision. We are a modern scientific and educational hub that provides practical knowledge in close cooperation with business and through project-based training. We provide affordable education, preparing professionals in the digital world.
Mission. To create highly qualified professionals for successful digital transformation of Ukraine as a part of the whole world.
NURE is first among the best!
NURE`s History
In 1930, the Kharkov Institute of Engineering and Construction (HIBI) was founded on the basis of the building faculty of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (KHPI) and the Architectural Faculty of the Kharkiv Art Institute. In 1934, the HIBI included: the Kharkiv Geodetic Institute and the Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. In 1941 1734 students were studying, about 200 teachers trained at 4 faculties: Architectural; Building; Plumbing; Geodetic
In 1944, HIBI was transformed into the Kharkiv Mining and Industrial Institute of the Coal Industry of the USSR (HHII). Faculties: machine-building (2 specialties: mining engineering and engineering technology); mining electromechanical; industrial transport.
In 1947 the Kharkiv Mining and Industrial Institute was transformed into the Kharkiv Mining Institute of the USSR Mining University. Departments: Mining; shaft building; mining electromechanical; industrial transport.
In 1962, KHII was transformed into the Kharkov Institute of Mining Engineering, Automation and Computer Technology (HIGMAVT). Faculties: automation of production processes in the mining industry; radio engineering; mining machinery.
In 1966, KHIGMAOT was renamed the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (HIRE). Faculties: In 1966: Automation; computer technology; radio engineering; radiophysical; electronics; mining machinery. In 1972: control systems; radio equipment design; radio engineering; computer technology; electronics In the early 1970s, KhIRA trained engineers in 7 specialties: 0606 – automation and telemechanics; 0608 – mathematical and computational-decoding devices; 0611 – electronic devices; 0612 – industrial electronics; 0704 – radio physics and electronics; 0701 – radio engineering; 0705 – design and technology of radio equipment production.
In 1981, the Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1982 he was named after the outstanding scientist and designer of rocket and space technology, academician M.K. Yangel
In 1993, the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics was transformed into the Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics (CDTURE).
The current name since 2001. The university has 7 faculties, 33 departments. The University study more than 7000 students of various forms of training on 46 specialties from 7 areas of knowledge.
The University is a permanent partner in joint projects of the international programs of the European Union, the United Nations Development Program, the British Council, NATO.
About 100 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, 350 PhD, associate professors work at the university, the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies in 14 specialties, 7 specialized councils for defending theses.
The scientific library contains more than 1.5 million paper copies. The electronic library has access to the information bases of the world information space. Six scientific journals are published, IEEE scientific conferences are held in the University. Educational and scientific laboratories, thanks to the most modern equipment, carry out research that allows them to realize their potential and integrate into the world academic space.
NURE in national and world university rankings:
- in the world ranking Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025 NURE ranked 1501+;
- in the subject ranking of Times Higher Education in Computer Science NURE took a position in the group 401-500, in Engineering and Technology – in the group 601–800;
- in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024 NURE ranked 1001-1500;
- in QS World University Rankings 2025 NURE ranked in group 1201-1400;
- in QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2024 NURE ranked 1201+;
- in QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025 NURE ranked 487;
- in the regional ranking QS EECA NURE took a position in the range of 221-230;
- in QS WUR Ranking By Subject 2025 on Computer Science & Information Systems NURE took a place in the group 601-650;
- in Nature Index 2024 NURE was ranked 11th among 23 Ukrainian universities;
- in GreenMetric World University Rankings 2024 the University took 941th place. Out of 25 Ukrainian universities, NURE ranked 8th;
- in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities in January 2025 NURE ranks 9th among Ukrainian universities;
- in Transparent Ranking (Top Universities by Google Scholar Citations) from Webometrics in January 2025 NURE ranked 10th;
- in the ranking from portal based on Scopus indicators in April 2024, NURE ranked 24 out of 214 Ukrainian universities; by the number of publications NURE took the 10th place, by the number of citations – the 17th place;
- in the uniRank University Ranking in 2024 NURE ranked 14th among Ukrainian universities;
- in SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) 2025 NURE took the 54th place out of 61 universities of Ukraine;
- in the international comparative ranking U-Multirank 2022 NURE ranks 1th in the number of the best indicators among Ukrainian universities;
- in the ranking “TOP-200 Ukraine” in 2024 the University ranks the 10th position;
- in the “Consolidated Ranking of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions” in 2024, NURE took the 7th place among technical universities;
- in the ranking from “Vstup.OSVITA.UA” 2024 of higher education institutions by the number of persons enrolled in education at the expense of the state budget, NURE took the 17th place.
Our beautiful campus consists of 10 educational buildings and 8 student dormitories.
The University provides a wide range of programs in technical specialties – from microelectronics and nanotechnology to artificial intelligence and media systems, from radio and biomedical engineering to computer science. We maintain the balance of research and education and encourage open thinking, we adhere to the principles of tolerance and multiculturalism.
Our slogan – Cogita audaciter, genera ideas!
In honor of the University named small planet – 10681 HTURE.