
On July 26, the regional qualification for the first championship of Ukraine in eSports, which is held under the auspices of the Federation of eSports of Ukraine, started on the basis of the Scientific Park “Synergy” of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.
July 24, in the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took place a meeting between the leadership of NURE and lecturer in the Department of Computer Science of Linnaeus University Jim Campos, who arrived at the University with lectures on business Informatics in the frame of International credit mobility (ICM) project Erasmus+ program.
From March 15 to May 15, a team of problem research laboratories of the NURE Research Center for Research and Development “Satellite Navigation Systems and High-Precision Positioning” took part in the competition of defense technologies “Sikorsky Challenge”, which was held on the basis of NTU “KPI” named after I. Sikorsky, introducing the technology of high-precision definition of the trajectory of aircraft using GNSS signals.
On March 29, 2019 in Kyiv, the STEM COALITION Social Union held the Women’s Leadership in STEM Companies Forum and awarded technology companies and universities for women’s development and support practices. The event was organized under the project “Technology Covenant for the Development of Women in STEM Companies” with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine. The IT-integrator (certificate “The Best Company for Women”, level B), Zhytomyr State Technological University (“Best University for Women”, level A), Vinnytsia National Technical University, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts were awarded. (level B).
At the opening of the Forum, Mikey Van Coldman, Deputy Head of Mission to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine, said: “Conducting projects to support women’s leadership demonstrate an impact not only on the development of the country’s economy, but also on society as women are more sincere, more enthusiastic in them to make useful and important things for society “. Deputy Minister of Social Policy Natalia Fedorovich noted that the Ministry always supports initiatives on equality of rights and women’s leadership in the country and programs for the expansion of economic opportunities and women’s rights.
On may 15, Valerii Semenets, Rector of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, was the guest of the program “Person” on the TV channel “R1”. The Professor told viewers about the program “Education without limits”.
Rector of NURE told about the joint program “Education without limits” with the National University “Lviv Polytechnic” and the Ukrainian research Institute of prosthetics, prosthetic constructon and rehabilitation (Ukrniiprotezirovaniya), which will provide free access to quality education for all students, including students with disabilities.
On April 25, the law “On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language” was adopted.
Language clubs of NURE invite everyone to a free course on the study of the Ukrainian language “Ukrainian – it’s easy!” where you will find a friendly circle for communication, improving speech, learning the rules of pronunciation of sounds, learning spelling and fighting “surzhik”!
The center for rehabilitation and inclusive education of persons with special educational needs, which is equipped with devices that are obtained within the framework of international projects DAAD and Erasmus+, was opened at the Department of Biomedical Engineering in NURE. This equipment includes special certified by the International Association of visually impaired persons Low Vision International Asssotiation mobile devices Magnilink ZIP (Sweden), have high-quality digital cameras with adjustable magnification from 10 to 40 times with a large depth of field and allow to obtain digital images on 19 inch high-resolution monitors (Full HD) with adjustable optical magnification parameters and light filters, which is especially important for students with different types of visual impairment. Two-coordinate desktops of these systems allow not only to promote information from books or notebooks, but also to perform small work, which is associated with the use of fine motor skills in the tasks of collecting circuit boards, soldering and other types of installation work. Also available are individual hearing enhancers Vital Maxx (Germany) for students with hearing impairments. This, together with the information environment, makes it possible to transfer the educational process to the European level with the provision of equal opportunities for access to educational resources of persons with special educational needs.
On February 20, representatives of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics conducted the career guidance work for schoolchildren. During the event they presented to future students the possibility of obtaining modern technical education in NURE.
February 1, 2019 on the basis of the National Institute of Therapy named after L. T. Malaya National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine took place a seminar of the problem scientific group “Data Mining”.
From 15 to 19 July Prof. Olexandra Yeremenko (Department of Infocommunication Engineering) and international coordinator Liudmyla Titova (Artificial Intelligence Department) participated in the international training within Erasmus+ academic mobility programme at the University of Jaen (Spain). International Staff Week Erasmus+ united the representatives of universities from Eastern and Central Europe, North Africa and Asia around the common academic and cultural values, provided with opportunity to discuss the new internationalization trends as well as practical issues of academic mobility and enhancing the partnership.
Due to this Erasmus+ mobility project the students of NURE (Departments of Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Computers, Infocommunication Engineering) have got opportunity to study at UJA from 2018 till 2022. Of the other part the student from UJA finished his full year education at our University this July.