Sustainable Investment Policy
Sustainable Investment Policy


The ongoing war in Ukraine requires the mobilization of all economic resources to face global challenges and ensure sustainable development. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by russia and transformation of Kharkiv into frontline city did not cancel the requirements and needs for achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, but it completely changed the concept of sustainability.

How NURE updates educational programs
How NURE updates educational programs


Updating the educational content of educational programs is a question that confuses thousands of students across the country. How does NURE work to update its specialties?

Cooperation with a powerful IT company SoftServe: reports on the production internship of applicants for OP 123 “Computer Engineering”


On June 8, the students of the educational program 123 “Computer Engineering” defended their internship reports.
The internship took place in the form of teamwork on projects. The results of their implementation were presented to the commission, mentors, and representatives of the IT company SoftServe. This innovative approach gives students the opportunity to work in a team, dynamically distribute responsibilities, and experience the entire process of project development in modern IT companies.

NURE joined the campaign to utilise batteries
NURE joined the campaign to utilise batteries


Even in the difficult times of military aggression and destruction, NURE continues to fight for environment protection, preservation of precious resources, energy and the entire world around us.  Our University is known worldwide for its numerous innovations in green technologies and for its careful attitude to the environment. One of the ongoing projects is the collection of recyclable materials, including waste paper, plastic and used batteries.

The ‘Batteries, Give Up’ campaign was launched with the participation of the student trade union and the NURE scientific library. In November 2023, more than 95 kg of used batteries were handed over for recycling.

Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the North-Eastern Interregional Department of the State Labor Service
Signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the North-Eastern Interregional Department of the State Labor Service


Today, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between NURE and the North-Eastern Interregional Department of the State Labor Service represented by Oleksandr Rozumnyi.

Safe learning space opened at NURE
Safe learning space opened at NURE


On June 6, a new safe learning space was opened at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE).
One of our priorities is to create conditions for safe offline classes and innovative events for students and schoolchildren. To this end, we opened the first shelter.

Training and UNICOM Coordination meeting took place at the University of Genoa
Training and UNICOM Coordination meeting took place at the University of Genoa


Within the implementation of the ERASMUS +KA 2 CBHE project «Universities Communities: strengthening cooperation» («Universities and local communities: strengthening cooperation») UNICOM No. 101083077) an educational visit «Third Mission, What Steps and What Responsibilities: University of Genoa» has been held for representatives of universities – members of the consortium from May 26 to 31 at the University of Genoa (city of Genoa, Republic of Italy).

The six international conference on natural sciences and technologies ICONAT-2024 has finished its work
The six international conference on natural sciences and technologies ICONAT-2024 has finished its work


From May 30 to June 01, 2024, the VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES ICONAT 2024 was held at Akdeniz University in Adrasan-Antalya, which is held annually jointly by NURE and Eskisehir University.