Cooperation with Saltivsky District Education Administration24.04.2024
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and Saltivsky District Education Administration of Kharkiv City Council, realizing the need to join forces to establish high standards of research, educational, methodological, organizational, cultural, educational and other activities in Ukraine within the framework of the educational process, have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. NURE acting rector Ihor Ruban and Larysa Karpova, head of Saltivsky District Education Administration, announced a new project called “Safe Space”, which was launched at NURE in the spring.
“Our common goal is modern and high-quality education, as well as involving students in interesting and useful offline events, despite everything that is happening in our country and Kharkiv. We believe in our youth, care about their future today and do everything to ensure that our students become the best with NURE” – said Igor Ruban.
As part of the new project, a professional development seminar for teachers Saltivsky district of Kharkiv was held on April 18, which was attended by more than 40 teachers of computer science and mathematics.
At the seminar, which was held offline in NURE secure space, Oleg Zolotukhin, Associate Professor Artificial Intelligence Department, presented a report “Artificial Intelligence in Educational Process: Challenges, Tools, Algorithms”. The report “Cyber hygiene during a full-scale war” was presented by Oleksii Liashenko, Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control Dean. All participants received certificates from NURE for advanced training. Event was useful not only for teachers but also for pupils, who will be able to get to know modern technologies at school and be ready for the future that is starting now.
Outreach project NURE-School21.04.2024
20 April the agenda included:
– Fractal Fairy Tale: the magic world of fractals (Senior Lecturer Applied Mathematics Department Mykyta Hvozdev);