A remote meeting of the Academic Council took place in NURE
A remote meeting of the Academic Council took place in NURE


On May 29,   a remote meeting of the Academic Council chaired by Rector Valery Sements was held in the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.  During the event, a number of issues related to the work of the University of Radio Electronics were discussed and resolved. 

A remote meeting was held in NURE
A remote meeting was held in NURE


On May 28, a working meeting remotely with the participation of heads of departments and deans took place at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, chaired by Rector Valerii Sements.

The student of NURE became the prize-winner of the All-Ukrainian student competition
The student of NURE became the prize-winner of the All-Ukrainian student competition


On May 20, the final scientific-practical conference of the All-Ukrainian student competition of scientific works in Computer Engineering took place remotely on the basis of Khmelnytsky National University. According to the results of the competition, a student of the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Management Maxim Bondarenko took second place with the work “Technology of remote control of scientific tools on the platform of overlay networks” (supervisor – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electronic Computers Vitaly Tkachov).

“On-line NURE” Open Day took place in NURE
“On-line NURE” Open Day took place in NURE


On May 24, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics hosted the On-line NURE Open Day.  This is the first time in the history of the university, when an event of this scale took place online.  During the event, participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the university, learn about the peculiarities of admission 2020, watch presentations of faculties and specialities and ask questions to representatives of the admissions committee.  Video from the Open Day “On-line NURE” can be found at

NURE scientists became winners of the regional competition “Young Innovator of the Kharkiv Region – 2020”
NURE scientists became winners of the regional competition “Young Innovator of the Kharkiv Region – 2020”


Kharkiv Regional Council of the Society of Inventors and Rationalizers, Kharkiv State Scientific Library named after V. Korolenko and with the support of HRSA the annual competition “Young innovator of the Kharkiv region – 2020” was held.

We invite everyone to take part in the exhibition
We invite everyone to take part in the exhibition


All interested, creative, active and caring women are invited to take part in the exhibition “Feminism is…”, which will take place on August 13-16, 2020 as part of the project “Feminist Translocality”.

NURE scientists have confirmed their high level
NURE scientists have confirmed their high level


Scientists of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,  Department of Biomedical Engineering laboratory “Analytical optochemotronics” named after Prof.  M.M. Rozhytskyi  Yuriy Zholudov and Dmytro Snizhko published the results of their own research in the influential edition of the first quartet Analyst. The journal has been published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (United Kingdom) since 1876.

NURE teams took part in the Sports Programming Championship
NURE teams took part in the Sports Programming Championship


On May 10, during the 17th Open Championship of Kharkiv on sports programming, the season of algorithmic programming opened.  Due to the quarantine regime this year, it takes place online.  The championship is held in two divisions: student and school.  The partner of the competition is Huawei Corporation.

Attention! Тhe date of the International Conference ICONAT 2020 has been postponed
Attention! Тhe date of the International Conference ICONAT 2020 has been postponed


Due to the COIVID-19 epidemic, the date of the International Conference on Natural Sciences and Technologies ICONAT 2020 has been postponed to August 20-22, 2020.

We invite you to online NURE Open Doors Day
We invite you to online NURE Open Doors Day


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics invites you on May 24 at 10:00 to the On-line NURE Open Day, which will be broadcast online on the NURETV channel.

To the attention of NURE students
To the attention of NURE students


In order to ensure proper sanitary and epidemiological condition in dormitories, compliance with the necessary norms of prevention and avoidance of the spread of viral infection when students return to the university dormitory on their own initiative, during quarantine and after its completion, students must undergo a medical examination

NURE joined the EuroGender community
NURE joined the EuroGender community


Equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the European Union. Declaring its commitment to the ideas of gender equality and non-discrimination, in order to draw attention to gender issues and raise awareness of the importance of institutional changes for achieving sustainable development goals, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics joined the project of the European Institute for gender equality (EIGE) EuroGender.