Sustainable Development Goals

The NURE lecturer participates in the ethics commission of the Institute of Medical Radiology
The NURE lecturer participates in the ethics commission of the Institute of Medical Radiology


January 28, 2021 with the participation of Assoc.  kaf.  BMI Averyanova L.O.  а regular meeting of the Local Ethics Commission of the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology was held.  S.P.  Grigoriev of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, where the permission of the commission’s experts to conduct clinical trials according to international protocols of cancer immunotherapy was discussed.

Such commissions are established in all medical research centers and should include representatives of other organizations and the public. The meeting of the commission is held once a month, they consider the issues of permitting clinical trials of certain drugs, for which people with different types of pathology are selected in different countries of the world.  Valuable medicines are allocated for such researches, patients are examined free of charge.  It is also considered extending the term of use of the tested drugs for manufacturers, proposing to expand the use to other locations.  The commission should find out whether the patient is sufficiently protected and check the package of documents. In addition, this commission considers disciplinary misconduct of staff if complaints are received. The commission may give an opinion on the impossibility of the doctor to hold the position.

NURE hosted a working meeting on the calculation of key performance indicators of the departments for 2021
NURE hosted a working meeting on the calculation of key performance indicators of the departments for 2021


On January 27, 2021, under the chairmanship of Rector Valery Semenets, a working meeting was held on the calculation of key performance indicators (KPI) of the departments for 2021.

Rector of KNURE prof. V.V. Semenets announced the distribution of funds to finance the departments of the University in 2021 under the KPI system.

NURE hosted a working meeting on the calculation of key performance indicators of the departments for 2021
NURE hosted a working meeting on the calculation of key performance indicators of the departments for 2021


On January 27, 2021, under the chairmanship of Rector Valery Semenets, a working meeting was held on the calculation of key performance indicators (KPI) of the departments for 2021.

Rector of NURE prof.  V.V.  Semenets announced the distribution of funds to finance the departments of the University in 2021 under the KPI system.

NURE continues to cooperate with the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology named after S.P. Grigoriev NAMS of Ukraine
NURE continues to cooperate with the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology named after S.P. Grigoriev NAMS of Ukraine


January 22, 2021 assistant of the department BMI L.A. Averyanova and assistant of the department of Electronic Computers V.M. Tkachev in the framework of multilateral cooperation with the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology named after S.P. Grigoriev National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine carried out technical monitoring of the implementation process at the Institute of the eHealth Central Database of eHealth in Ukraine.

During the training for leading IMRO doctors, the eHealth database was tested in demo mode in order to identify problems with its use and further technical support for doctors in the process of introducing the system in the departments of the Institute’s clinic. To accelerate the adaptation of personnel to work with the eHealth base, it was proposed to attract student volunteers from NURE. Also, proposals were voiced to provide technical assistance for the implementation of the successful experience of NURE in the use of WEB services, the creation of an electronic archive of publications and the setting of scientometric profiles into the work of IMRO.

NURE joins Tech Edu UP project
NURE joins Tech Edu UP project


Tech Edu UP – is a project aimed at improving the quality of education in IT specialties of higher education institutions and colleges in Kharkiv.

The project will be useful for students, teachers and representatives of the administration of the IHE Kharkov, on the basis of which the training of IT specialists, managers and owners of IT companies is conducted. As part of the project, members of the Kharkiv IT Cluster and representatives of universities and colleges jointly update work programs, conduct courses together, create joint research areas and much more to improve the level of IT education in Kharkiv.

Professor Avrunin spoke about the promising developments of the Department of BME
Professor Avrunin spoke about the promising developments of the Department of BME


Professor Oleh Avrunin told Ukrinform in an interview with Ukrinform about some promising developments of the department concerning methods of nasal breathing testing, detection of respiratory and olfactory disorders, assessment of fine motor skills, medical navigation and training systems for surgery.

In particular, it was a device developed at the department for testing nasal breathing TNDA-PVC, based on which developed methods for diagnosing respiratory and olfactory disorders, which is relevant in determining the recovery of smell after COVID-19, approaches to computer planning of rhinosurgery interventions and identification of potential opportunities for athletes during physical activity. Attention is also paid to the developed and already well-tested method for determining the characteristics of fine motor skills of the hands, created methods for neuronavigation and training systems for minimally invasive surgery.

Employees of the Special Educational and Rehabilitation Department of NURE took part in the All-Ukrainian project of NADU
Employees of the Special Educational and Rehabilitation Department of NURE took part in the All-Ukrainian project of NADU


In September-December 2020, employees of the Special Educational and Rehabilitation Department for Students with Special Educational Needs took part in the All-Ukrainian project of the National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine: “Participation in decision-making processes: NOTHING FOR US WITHOUT US”.

The aim of the project was to ensure that disability issues are taken into account in the formation and implementation of public policy by actively involving persons with disabilities in decision-making processes regarding strategies and programs that affect them.

Football field of NURE
Football field of NURE


A mini-football field with artificial turf and electric lighting was built at the NURE stadium at the expense of the University and the Radiotechnic sports club. This made it possible to hold mini-football classes and competitions with the local community with local schools and universities from morning till night.

Thus, according to the curriculum for students, teachers of the Department of FVS organized classes for groups of specialization (OFP) and groups of sports improvement (national teams of Ukrainian and foreign students) in football. During the academic year, the University Cup is held among the national teams of faculties and dormitories.

Long-term partnership with the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics for Sustainable Development continues
Long-term partnership with the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics for Sustainable Development continues


Department of BMI and Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation (UkrNIIprosthetics have been fruitfully cooperating for many years in the field of medical and technical problems of rehabilitation and social adaptation of persons with disabilities, development and improvement of orthopedic products and technologies for their manufacture, improvement of rehabilitation aids, development of forms and methods of medical and social rehabilitation of persons with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

In order to implement the Project “Creation of Prosthetic and Orthopedic Education in Ukraine”, organized by the NATO Agency with the support and supply of Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the School of Rehabilitation Sciences Human Study on the basis of an international agreement since 2018, began to operate training program for teachers-trainers (in NS terminology) in prosthetics and orthotics according to the educational program “Orthopedic technologies and engineering “within the specialty 163 – Biomedical engineering.

Development of youth creativity and solution of social problems in Lithuania and Ukraine
Development of youth creativity and solution of social problems in Lithuania and Ukraine


From December 7 to 11, the International Youth Exchange Project “Development of Youth Creativity and Solving Social Problems in Lithuania and Ukraine” was held online.

The project was won by KNURE together with VIKO University (University of Applied Sciences) Lithuania.

President Volodymyr Zelensky signed decree on creation of barrier free space in Ukraine
President Volodymyr Zelensky signed decree on creation of barrier free space in Ukraine


The relevant document №533 / 2020 “On ensuring the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine” was published on December 3 on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
The President instructed the Cabinet of Ministers with the involvement of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, representatives of state and local governments, civil society institutions, scientists, experts, taking into account the best domestic and international experience to develop and approve by April 12, 2021 a National Barrier-Free Strategy Space in Ukraine.
The strategy should be aimed at “spreading the practices of inclusion, non-discrimination, implementation of the principles of accessibility and universal design to ensure equal opportunities for all social groups, including people with disabilities, the elderly, youth, women and parents of young children and children with disabilities”.
81 employees with disabilities work diligently at KNURE.
Their special status is enshrined in p. 3.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.10 of the Collective Agreement between the administration and the trade union of KNURE.
Also, 105 students with disabilities study at the University. The Training and Rehabilitation Department has organized cooperation with the Fund for Social Protection of the Disabled to provide financial assistance on a non-refundable basis to persons with special educational needs by paying the cost of their education.
University scientists plan to provide proposals and take a direct part in the development of the National Strategy for Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine.

NURE took part in the “SAP NEXT-GEN 2020” conference
NURE took part in the “SAP NEXT-GEN 2020” conference


On December 8, NURE and SAP, one of the world leaders in innovative software development, held the annual SAP Next-Gen 2020 conference.

The focus was on the trend of integrating education and business into IT. How to effectively organize the educational process? How to properly combine formal and non-formal education? How to develop cross-border cooperation?  How to develop innovative products using modern solutions and technologies Big Data, AI, Computer Vision.