Week of summer intensive for schoolchildren was held in NURE


From May 31 to June 6, a week of summer intensives was held for students of the boarding school “Giftedness”. The event was attended by 89 students, 48 students studied “Computer Science”, and 41 students – “Mathematics”. Of these: 29 eighth graders, 24 ninth graders and 36 tenth graders. As part of the cooperation of the boarding lyceum “Giftedness” with NURE, to conduct classes on certain topics were involved teachers of the Department of Software Engineering. off Novikov YS, assistant Matveev DI and university students: Kachanov Stanislav, Rudenko Dmytro, Gavrashenko Anton, Kupriyanov Mykhailo and Chernov Kyrylo. Organizational issues of cooperation with the lyceum were dealt with by Assoc. Rusakova N. and as. Zibina K. The expert-consultant and ideological inspirer was Assoc. Department of PI Vechur O.

Every day classes were held on the basis of the lyceum. Thus, the topics of cycles, one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays were studied in depth in computer science, and many Olympiad problems on the topics of probability theory, conditional probability, game theory and problems with parameters were analyzed in mathematics. Twice a week students got acquainted with 3D modeling and game creation on the basis of the laboratory “GameDev lab” of the Department of PI. Snap Inc. became the main sponsor of the summer intensives for the boarding lyceum “Giftedness”. The Snap Inc. team contributes to the progress of mankind, providing an opportunity to express themselves and enjoy communication, learning about the world around them. The company is expanding the limits of what is possible on mobile devices, going far beyond the flagship configurations, making innovations available to a wide audience of users. In Ukraine, there is an official office of Snap, which employs more than 300 people. The company actively supports the Olympic movement in Ukraine. Yuriy Monastyrshyn – ICPC finalist in 2014 and 2015, Senior Director of Development at Snap believes that programming competitions develop very valuable teamwork skills and non-standard tasks. In 2021, two talented students of  NURE have already become part of this wonderful team.

On the final day of classes for students was held an individual Olympiad in computer science and a tournament for young mathematicians. The winners were awarded certificates and gifts from sponsors.

Week of summer intensive for schoolchildren was held in NURE