Competition of Young Scientists “Gender Policy through the Eyes of Ukrainian Youth”


On June 11, 2021, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and finalists of the XV Regional Competition of Young Scientists “Gender Policy through the Eyes of Ukrainian Youth” took place on the basis of Kharkiv National Medical University.

43 scientific works from this year’s competition were submitted. 17 institutions of higher and professional higher education. Young scientists presented relevant and meaningful research on the introduction of gender equality in various spheres of society.

Contest organizers: Department of Science and Education of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after O.M. Beketov.

The purpose of the competition is to promote the integrated implementation of gender equality and non-discrimination in the education system and identify ways to direct the development of new Ukrainian education to a systematic approach to gender, which will ensure its compliance with global democratic principles. mechanism for gender equality, development, promotion, generalization and dissemination of experience of the network of gender centers of higher education institutions.

Key issues for scientific and practical analysis:

  • gender strategies: history and modernity;
  • gender equality as a factor of European integration;
  • gender aspects of sustainable development;
  • gender component in the areas of health, ecology, social protection, education, culture, etc.;
  • issues of combating discrimination on the grounds of sex; ways to overcome negative traditional gender stereotypes.

Authors of original scientific works under the age of 35 took part in the competition.

Congratulations to the finalists Anastasia Kruglova, Anna Zhuravlyova and Maria Mytsyk, who took part with scientific work on the topic: “Analysis of the current state of gender balance in the field of information and communication technologies and STEM-education in Ukraine and the EU” under the guidance of Ph.D, prof. Yeremenko O.S.

Competition of Young Scientists “Gender Policy through the Eyes of Ukrainian Youth”