Sustainable Development Goals

NURE has improved its position in the GreenMetric World University Rankings
NURE has improved its position in the GreenMetric World University Rankings


GreenMetric World University Rankings 2020 results have been published.  This year, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took 716th place out of 912 universities in the ranking, increasing the total score from 3675 to 3800 due to the Education & Research indicator, which takes into account research in the field of sustainable development.  Among 17 Ukrainian universities NURE ranks the 13th place. Certificate of participation of NURE in the rating GreenMetric World University Rankings 2020

The ranking indicators take into account the contribution of universities to achieving the goals of sustainable development: the fight against global climate change, energy and water conservation, waste recycling and the use of environmentally friendly transport.  Such activities require a change in social behavior and a greater focus on environmental sustainability, as well as addressing the economic and social issues associated with sustainability.

Postgraduate student of the department took part in a charity event, dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Postgraduate student of the department took part in a charity event, dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities


Postgraduate student of the department Ibrahim Yunuss Abdelhamid Based on the principle of social responsibility, and by invitation Association of voluntary Al Jisr, took part in individual and family counseling on the role of biomedical engineering in conservation health and rehabilitation of people with disabilities in International Day of People with Special Needs, which took place on the capital of Saudi Arabia Riyadh on December 4, 2020. This day is a reminder to humanity of its duty to exercise care and compassion for the most vulnerable part of society – people with disabilities.

Such events popularize modern technology and highlight the potential of biomedical engineering for elimination of social inequality.

NURE students help doctors fight COVID-19
NURE students help doctors fight COVID-19


All over the world, December 5 is celebrated as the International Volunteer Day – International Volunteer Day.

Volunteers of the Department of Biomedical Engineering every day help doctors and technical specialists of the State Institution of the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology. S.P. Grigoriev of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine in the fight for the lives of patients. The University has long and fruitfully cooperated with this medical institution; it is the main base of practice for training specialists. And now, in a pandemic, our young people are selflessly and courageously risking their own health and providing much-needed help to doctors. Volunteers work in a pandemic, helping staff cope with large numbers of patients.

NURE took part in the activities of the International Campaign “16 days of active action against gender-based violence”
NURE took part in the activities of the International Campaign “16 days of active action against gender-based violence”


The Center for Gender Education, Social and Psychological Service, teachers of the Department of Philosophy in the framework of the International Campaign “16 days of active action against gender-based violence” conducts a number of online events for students of the university.



December 3 marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On the basis of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, a scientific educational and methodical department was created to organize inclusive education for students of NURE with special educational needs, which, according to the University Charter, in 2019 was reorganized into a special educational and rehabilitation department for students with special educational needs.

The theme of “Day for all – 2020” in the world is:
Towards an inclusive and sustainable world after a pandemic tailored to the needs of people with disabilities. Removing barriers to the self-realization of people with disabilities, guaranteeing access to decent education and jobs are integral components of the University’s Sustainable Development Strategy.

KNURE female students break gender stereotypes
KNURE female students break gender stereotypes


In order to meet the growing needs of female students for martial arts and get rid of gender stereotypes about “purely male sports”, for them at the Department of Physical Education and Sports NURE created good conditions for the most popular martial arts: boxing, kickboxing, karate, sambo , taekwondo and the Ukrainian national sport – horting.
Thanks to the cooperation with the All-Ukrainian federations, within the framework of the Strategy of sustainable development of the University, conditions were created for strengthening health and comprehensive physical training, as well as for studying special techniques and techniques of martial arts.
Classes with female students are held in study groups in academic physical education classes and in sports sections, where students have the opportunity to intensively improve their competitive skills and effectively prepare for sports competitions.
At the Department of Physical Education and Sports NURE held a traditional boxing tournament in which students who chose to improve this courageous sport were able to fully demonstrate the competitive skills and beauty of women’s boxing. Kickboxing and horting competitions will follow.
NURE has all the conditions for both boys and girls, to engage in martial arts in more depth, to participate in competitions of various levels, to receive sports ranks and titles, which gives better opportunities to use the acquired knowledge and practical skills in everyday life and in choosing  future profession.


The trade union of educational and scientific workers of Ukraine takes part in the protest action
The trade union of educational and scientific workers of Ukraine takes part in the protest action


On December 2-3, 2020, trade unions will protest against the restriction of the rights of union workers in various industries and in connection with the consideration in parliament of a number of bills initiated by the Government and individual deputies, which continue the policy of attacking workers and trade unions rights, disregarding the proposals of trade unions in the draft State Budget for 2021.

NURE joined the demands of the trade union to the authorities in order to ensure decent pay and social guarantees for educators:

Teachers of the Department of Physical Education took part in the International Conference
Teachers of the Department of Physical Education took part in the International Conference


On November 26-27, 2020, teachers of the Department of Physical Education took part in the IV International Conference “Sustainable Development and Heritage in Sports: Problems and Prospects”, which this year took place remotely.
In his welcoming speech, NOC President S. Bubka stressed that the global challenges of 2020 have confirmed the need for the development of society, following the goals of sustainable development.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has once again demonstrated that sport is a crucial factor in today’s global efforts to build society.  The United Nations has adopted a joint statement from member states to the governments of the states on the inclusion of sport as a powerful lever for the reconstruction of society in the afterlife. ”
Scientific directions of the conference:

International school “Digital Transformation: EU Trends, Solutions and Tools”
International school “Digital Transformation: EU Trends, Solutions and Tools”


International School “Digital Transformation: EU Trends, Solutions and Tools” was excellently organized and conducted in KNURE with the broad participation of teachers and students.  The organizers of the International School are teachers of the Department of Software Engineering KNURE, Laboratory “Data Science Lab”, NVND Center “SAP Academy” and experts from leading IT companies in Ukraine, Slovakia, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Spain and Lithuania.

The school hosted events:
October 26, 2020 Online Workshop “Big Data Technologies in the Modern World”
During the event, participants learned about the concepts of “Big Data” and “Data Maning”, the importance of processing large amounts of data in decision-making in today’s digital world.  How to store, manage, and analyze big data with the right big data tools – and get valuable information that was previously unimaginable.  The Workshop was conducted by certified specialists of the SAP Academy Center, participants received certificates and incentive prizes.

Publication activity of NURE women-scientists
Publication activity of NURE women-scientists


Publication activity of NURE women-scientists

Gender equality is at the forefront of the University’s Sustainable Development Strategy.

Increase in funding of NURE departments under the KPI system
Increase in funding of NURE departments under the KPI system


October 29, subject to quarantine restrictions in the remote mode under the chairmanship of Rector V.V.  Semenets held a working meeting on the calculation of funding for departments in 2020 on the basis of key performance indicators (KPI).

The Academic Council of the University approved the funding of departments in 2020 in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 24, 2019 № 1146 “On the distribution of state budget expenditures between higher education institutions based on indicators of their educational, scientific and international activities”.

Partnership “SAP Academy” KNURE with “Public Organization” Ukrainian Scientific and Educational IT Society “
Partnership “SAP Academy” KNURE with “Public Organization” Ukrainian Scientific and Educational IT Society “


Our first event took place today – Online Workshop “Big Data Technologies in the Modern World”, which is held on the initiative of Meet and Code with the Global TechSoup Network for funding from SAP Corporation. Meet and Code is implemented by the GURT Resource Center in Ukraine.
The workshop turned out to be very dynamic and interesting!!!
During the event, the participants got acquainted with the concepts of “Big Data” and “Data Maning”, the importance of processing large amounts of data when making decisions in the modern digital world, tools for working with big data with which you can store, manage and analyze this data – and receive valuable information that was previously impossible to provide. Big data technologies such as in-memory data management, analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help transform decision making, providing a clear picture of the impact of decision making on both business and everyday life. The speakers also acquainted the participants of the event with the capabilities of SAP products for analysis, forecasting and visualization of large data arrays.
Thanks to Gabriela Vozáriková, Ľubomír Antoni, Igor Belousov, Franz Seubert, Borys Levkovskyi for very rich and interesting reports!
The event was held by the Training and production research Center “SAP Academy” and the “Data Science” laboratory on the basis of the Department of Software Engineering of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.