Sustainable Development Goals

Graduates of the Department of BME conduct research at the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology. S.P. Grigoriev National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Graduates of the Department of BME conduct research at the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology. S.P. Grigoriev National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


In the Department of Radiation Oncology of the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology named after V.I. S.P. Grigoriev National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, experimental studies of semiconductor and thermoluminescent detectors of ionizing radiation were carried out using a 6 MeV bremsstrahlung beam of a therapeutic linear electron accelerator VARIAN Clinac 600C. Experiments were carried out by prof. RKhBZ NTU “KhPI” I. Chernyavsky, Assoc. Caf. BME L. Averyanova, graduates of the postgraduate course of the department. BME I. Samofalov and A.Макиенко.

The results of experiments on modern equipment installed at the Institute of Medical Radiology with the direct participation of specialists of the department will be used in the educational process.

European digital literacy week
European digital literacy week


In the framework of All Digital Week 2021 took part in the online conference “Key skills for sustainable development and ICT” – Skills for Sustainable Future and ICT, panel discussion Women in Science and Technology and a master class on “Effective Google Solutions for Optimizing the Online Education Process.

All Digital Week – European Digital Literacy Week – an annual information campaign dedicated to developing citizens’ digital skills.

NURE employees take part in the webinar “Women in science and technologies”
NURE employees take part in the webinar “Women in science and technologies”


As part of All Digital Week 2021 NURE employees took part in the online conference “Key skills for sustainable development and ICT”

During the conference a discussion “Women in Science and Technology” was organized.

NURE scientists took part in the event “Presentation of the landscape of  industry 4.0 of the Kharkiv region”
NURE scientists took part in the event “Presentation of the landscape of industry 4.0 of the Kharkiv region”


On March 23, within the framework of the EU Industrial Days and the ClusteRISE project in Kharkiv, the best innovations of the region were presented in Industry 4.0.

Participants, including employees of the MTS Department, considered the following areas: innovation policy in the industry, presentations of the best innovators in Industry 4.0, prospects for rapprochement with the EU in this area.

Representatives and alumni of the department of BME took part in a scientific symposium under the auspices of the WHO
Representatives and alumni of the department of BME took part in a scientific symposium under the auspices of the WHO


March 24 is World Tuberculosis Day under the slogan: “Let’s overcome tuberculosis together”.

On this occasion, on March 23, 2021, an online scientific symposium was held under the auspices of the World Health Organization and the International Society of Radiology, dedicated in particular to the role of screening radiography and modern information technologies in improving the efficiency of tuberculosis detection.

Collaboration continues with colleagues from the Institute of Scintillation materials of NAS of Ukraine
Collaboration continues with colleagues from the Institute of Scintillation materials of NAS of Ukraine


Co-authored with a group of Vladislav Seminka, head of laboratory of nanostructured organic materials, published article in the first quartile of The Journal of Physical Chemistry.
Mechanism and Dynamics of Fast Redox Cycling in Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles at High Oxidant Concentration “dedicated to studying the mechanisms and dynamics of the action of nanocerium – nanocrystals cerium. As a result of research, a rather unexpected effect was obtained. The decomposition of reactive oxygen species by nanocerium in vibrational mode, which can provide a deeper understanding of redox mechanisms actions of nanoceria in general. The results obtained by the authors indicate the prospects application of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide in biology and medicine due to low toxicity and biological activity antioxidant, which ensures effective removal of active forms to oxygen both in aqueous solutions and in biological systems.
Such cooperation contributes to the expansion of scientific topics of department, increasing publication activity and contributes to sustainable development of the university.

A working visit of the BME department partners took place
A working visit of the BME department partners took place


On a working visit within the framework of the agreement on scientific and technical cooperation, the department of BME was visited by partners from the State institutions “Scientific and practical medical rehabilitation diagnostic center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine ” (Konstantinovka, Donetsk region) – director of the institution, professor Panchenko Oleg Anatolyevich and associate professor Kabantseva Anastasia Valerievna.
During the business meeting, excursions were held in specialized laboratory of biomedical 3D technologies and research laboratory “Analytical optochemotronics them. N.N. Rozhitsky “, as well as anatomical class of the department, where the available medical equipment. Bilateral scientific and technical cooperation was launched two years ago, during which there are already joint developments and scientific publications.
Head of the BME Department and Director of Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center discussed the results of a successful joint research practical conference and further plans of scientific cooperation.

NURE employees participate in charity
NURE employees participate in charity


In early February, the Department of Physical Education hosted a charity basketball tournament in memory of Yevhen Mykhailovych Borokhovsky. His contribution to the history of sports is invaluable. For many years he worked as a coach of the team “Builder” (Kharkov), and also played for the team SKA (Kiev) in the USSR championship, and as part of the Kharkiv national team was a winner of the Spartakiad of the USSR (1959). The student teams of Kharkiv headed by him became champions and prize-winners of the student championships of the USSR. As part of the team of veterans of Kharkiv, Yevhen Borokhovsky was a winner and prize-winner of international tournaments. He has always been an example of strength, resilience and dedication to sports.

The funds raised were used to purchase two Bosch blenders, bottles and pacifiers for children (for a total of 8300 UAH). Everything in full is transferred to the specified institution for use purchased for the needs of children who are there.

Qualification courses started at BME department
Qualification courses started at BME department


The BME department has started advanced training courses, which are held jointly with the specialists of the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology. S.P. Grigoriev National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

On February 23, 2021, in accordance with the order of the rector, training began at the refresher courses of the Center for Postgraduate Education NURE, organized by the Department of BME in conjunction with specialists from the Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology. S.P. Grigoriev National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

Scientific results of the highest level were provided by the scientific group of the BME department
Scientific results of the highest level were provided by the scientific group of the BME department


High-level scientific results were presented by the Professor Oleg Avrunin.
Scientific group High-level scientific results were presented by a team of authors composed of Professor Oleg Avrunin, senior lecturer Yana Nosova, post-graduate student Ibragim Yunuss Abdelhamid, Associate Professor Natalia Shushlyapina. Article “Possibilities of Automated Diagnostics of Odontogenic Sinusitis According to the Computer Tomography Data” in the journal the first quartile “Sensors” is devoted to a topical issue expanding the diagnostic capabilities of existing methods differential diagnosis and assessment of the severity of the course odontogenic sinusitis. Such research became possible thanks to inter-university and international cooperation with colleagues from the Kharkiv National Medical University, Vinnytsia National Technical university, scientists from Poland and Kazakhstan.
The article is posted at the link 
The spread of international scientific relations contributes not only to obtaining significant scientific results, but also recognition reputation of the scientific school of the department not only in Ukraine, but also for abroad.

The Academic Council of the NURE approved the regulations on the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Digital Technologies
The Academic Council of the NURE approved the regulations on the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Digital Technologies


The Academic Council of the University has approved the Regulations on the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Digital Technologies (DC NURE). The new laboratory was created on the basis of the Department of Systems Engineering and equipped within the project “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” (№ 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), which was conducted with the participation of NURE during 2018-2021 at the initiative of the European Union under the Erasmus + KA2 program.

The purpose of the educational and scientific laboratory of Digital Technologies is to conduct fundamental and applied research in the field of information technology, development of multimedia educational and training content, solving current scientific problems of “digitalization” of society and educational process, involvement of teachers, doctoral students, graduate students and students. linking scientific tasks, introducing ideas of innovative and experimental work into the educational process.

Online session of the Kharkiv branch of ACM-W Chapter
Online session of the Kharkiv branch of ACM-W Chapter


The January meeting of the Kharkiv Chapter of Information and Communication Technologies ACM-W was dedicated to the topic of women’s careers in the field of IT during the pandemic.

The whole world has faced challenges never imagined.  It is clear that the effects of the coronavirus will remain with us for some time. This has prompted governments around the world to declare quarantine to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Staff reductions, business closures, and economic prospects are increasingly bleak. However, the world must evolve and the career must progress.