Semiconductors for solar batteries in Uzbekistan to be developed in Kharkiv


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE) will develop semiconductors for solar panels in Uzbekistan.

This is the first agreement on cooperation between NURE and the Academic Research Institute of Uzbekistan, although international agreements connect our university with dozens of countries near and far abroad. The agreement was initiated by the Uzbek side, which was interested in our developments in the field of semiconductors, including those that increase the efficiency of solar panels. This is important for the economy of a country where the number of sunny days a year exceeds the European average. The semiconductors developed by us will be manufactured at the production facilities of Uzbekistan.

This agreement provides for the exchange of graduate students and interns – specialists in general physics. Joint scientific conferences are planned. Under the conditions of quarantine, which operates in both Ukraine and Uzbekistan, they will be conducted online.
The agreement also includes cooperation in innovation, development and implementation of new technologies, creation of joint research teams. Involvement of young scientists is envisaged at all levels.

Agreement on cooperation of NURE with the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Semiconductors for solar batteries in Uzbekistan to be developed in Kharkiv