Implementation of research results in the Blood Service Center


The results of  NURE’s cooperation with the Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Center were presented at a scientific seminar held on June 11.

In Ukraine, activities in the field of medical transfusiology, organization of work with donors, entrusted to the blood service, which carries out the full cycle of donor blood processing – receipt, procurement, processing, testing of donor blood, control, distribution of components, long-term storage in appropriate conditions, timely delivery of blood components at the request of health care and control by their use. Blood service facilities provide information support for all chain processes from donor to recipient. Thus, the relevance of the problem of effective information support of processes in blood service facilities with the use of information systems is beyond doubt.

Scientists of the Department of ICS proposed an approach to IP reengineering, which can provide the highest quality information support processes blood service, which allows to improve the quality, safety of donor blood and its components and prevent the transmission of infectious diseases during donations, processing and transfusions.
Reengineering of the blood service organization means first of all the transition from the structural organization of the IP (a set of workstations focused on automation of individual units) to the process-oriented organization of the IP in order to regulation of the sequence and requirements for processes in transfusiology with strictly specified restrictions on groups of parameters and metrics. Practical testing of the reengineering of the organizational and technical structure of the IP segment has been implemented at the Kharkiv Regional Blood Service Center.

The work was part of the project “Providing technical assistance to strengthen blood transfusion services in certain countries under the US Presidential Emergency Plan to Fight AIDS (PEPFAR)”, which is implemented by the American International Health Alliance (AMAO).

The American International Health Alliance (AMAO) is a non-governmental non-profit organization founded by the largest associations of medical and educational medical institutions in the United States. The work of AMAOZ is based on a series of cooperation agreements with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a U.S. government agency that supports projects in the areas of economic development, agriculture, trade, health care, democracy building, humanitarian aid, and conflict prevention. many countries around the world.
As part of a partnership program between the US Government and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has selected AMAOZ to assist Ukraine in its efforts to enhance donor blood safety and HIV prevention measures, hepatitis and other infections transmitted through donor blood.

Implementation of research results in the Blood Service Center