Sustainable Development Goals



The second phase of the international project “Further development and validation of a concept to establish a virtual laboratory “Virtual Cryomicroscopy”” with the Institute of Multiphase Processes of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover has begun within the framework of the DAAD Eastern Partnership Project. The project’s executor is Oleksandr Avrunin, a student of the CEC faculty of the KIUKI-21-5 group. The project manager is Maksym Tymkovych, a senior lecturer at the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

The project involves the creation of a virtual laboratory complex for cryomicroscopy, which is important for the development of the OER resource base, especially in distance learning. Mastering this technology will make it possible to create open educational resources for remote practical and experimental work on the virtual equipment of the world’s best laboratories. The implementation of the project contributes to one of the main goals of sustainable development of our university – quality education.

AI Department continues to expand opportunities for international collaboration
AI Department continues to expand opportunities for international collaboration


The current competition for students among institutions of higher education is becoming more intense due to decreasing income and increasing expenditure. This requires not only to maintain attractiveness of universities at the previous level but also to increase the value of their proposal for students. International cooperation in particular the EC ERASMUS+ program which funding the educational projects is becoming one of the most important factors contributing to the attraction of the extrabudgetary grant funds, in particular to provide students with opportunities to study in an international environment and gain life experience in European countries. Teachers get the opportunity to obtain experience of teaching in an international audience and enrich it through communication with their European colleagues. It is important that the number of mobile students and teachers has a positive effect on the place of our university in world universities rankings, in particular THE and QS.
Continuing the experience of four-year cooperation the Spanish University of Jaen and the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, on the initiative of the Artificial Intelligence Department, signed the Agreement on Academic Mobility for the period until 2027. Due to such cooperation we can integrate into the common European educational space, become part of the globalized world and prepare our students to be competitive in global labor markets.

Scientists of the BME department took part in a workshop on international scientific cooperation between Ukraine and Germany
Scientists of the BME department took part in a workshop on international scientific cooperation between Ukraine and Germany


Scientists of the Department of Biomedical Engineering took part in a workshop on international scientific cooperation between Ukraine and Germany, which was organized on the basis of the Institute of Multiphase Processes of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover.

The workshop was moderated by the Director of the Institute Professor Birgit Glasmacher.

NURE lecturer Katerina Zybina in the OpenIT project
NURE lecturer Katerina Zybina in the OpenIT project


On December 7, 2022, Kharkiv IT Cluster held a webinar “GitHub, what it is and why it is a must have in modern development”.

Speaker of the webinar “GitHub, what it is and why it is a must have in modern development” – Zybina Kateryna – Trainer at Sigma Software University, told at the meeting about:

  • What is GitHub?
  • Why GIT is the leading version control system?
  • Why should students start using GitHub now?

She also gave the basic terminology of Git, showed how to work with GitHub, how and where to download Git, how to fix an error in Git, how to work with global repositories.
The advantages and disadvantages of GitHub were considered.
The partnership with NGO Kharkiv IT Cluster, that unites leading IT companies, contributes to the achievement of the SDGs.

Professor of the NURE awarded a scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists – doctors of science
Professor of the NURE awarded a scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists – doctors of science


Professor of the V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Maryna Yevdokymenko, with awarding her a scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists doctors of science for scientific (scientific and technical) work: “Design and optimization of cyber-resistant multiservice software-configured networks in conditions of failure and compromise of network equipment”.

Scholarships have been awarded to 30 young scientists in accordance with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Resolution “On the Verkhovna Rada scholarships for young scientists – doctors of science” and the submission of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation from December 1, 2022. Implementation of the Resolution will contribute to the implementation of targeted support for young scientists of Ukraine – doctors of science, creating additional opportunities and incentives for them to conduct fundamental and applied research in priority areas of science and technology, increasing the prestige of the scientist, doctor of science and their role in society.

Roundtable “Forming a National Qualification Framework for Cybersecurity” under the USAID project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine” was held
Roundtable “Forming a National Qualification Framework for Cybersecurity” under the USAID project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine” was held


On November 29, 2022, the USAID Project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine” held a roundtable discussion on “Forming a National Qualification Framework for Cybersecurity. Three panel discussions were organized as part of the event.

I. State cybersecurity priorities
II. Ukraine’s National Cyber Security Qualification Framework
III. Education and professional standards in cybersecurity.

Participation of scientists from the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department at the International Scientific Conference “Information Security: Problems and Perspectives” (Baku, Azerbaijan)
Participation of scientists from the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department at the International Scientific Conference “Information Security: Problems and Perspectives” (Baku, Azerbaijan)


International scientific conference “Information security: problems and prospects” organized by Azerbaijan University together with the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics began its work on November 25, 2022 in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. At the plenary section of the conference, the following reports were heard, co-authored by members of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department:




On November 24, 2022 Murad Omarov took part in the 3rd Eurasian Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development “Eurasia’s Dynamic Energy Landscape: Global Threats to Energy Security, Regional Challenges and Opportunities” at the Azerbaijan Technical University, met with vice-rectors and heads of departments of AzTU, as well as with masters who entered NURE this year within the framework of the double degree program between universities.

On November 30, 2022, Murad Omarov took part in a meeting with Fatih Yilmaz, Coordinator of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) in Baku, which was held at Azerbaijan Technical University. As a result of cooperation with TIKA, a laboratory “Cezeri Lab” was created in AzTU, which has good opportunities for training students. This year it was planned to open such a laboratory in NURE, but unfortunately, the war prevented it.

Workshop and thematic conference “Topical issues in biomedical engineering” were held at the department of BME
Workshop and thematic conference “Topical issues in biomedical engineering” were held at the department of BME


A workshop and thematic conference “Topical Issues in Biomedical Engineering” was held remotely within the framework of the 26th International Youth Forum “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century” using multimedia technologies. The head of the section is the head of the BME Department, Professor Oleg Avrunin, the secretary of the section and organizer is Associate Professor Karina Selivanova.

The speakers of the workshop were:

Women in Tech
Women in Tech


Every year, more girls choose STEM Education Information technology faculties no longer surprise gender parity. But how does girls in IT universities really happen? Why is parents’ support – one of the key components when choosing a future career?
Who will be interested in interview with Arkady Snigurov, Infocommunications Faculty Dean?
– future entrants;
– parents who want to help children choose a promising specialty.

Basic video course “Python programming language” is freely available now
Basic video course “Python programming language” is freely available now


There is a playlist on YouTube with 32 videos(30 hours).
Link to the playlist:


NURE continues partnership for sustainable development
NURE continues partnership for sustainable development


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës – UAMD, (Albania), recognizing the benefits to their respective institutions from the establishment of this international collaboration, sign  the Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of developing an academic and educational cooperation and of promoting mutual understanding between the two universities.
UAMD and NURE agreed to develop joint activities for cooperation in academic areas of mutual interest on the basis of equality and reciprocity. In particular, the exchange of lecturers and students, joint research activities and publications, participation in seminars, conferences, joint projects, etc.
With the support of the Embassy of Ukraine in Albania, new partners have already held a few social events to support of Ukraine.