Sustainable Development Goals

Scientists of the CITAM department successfully completed the course “TEACHERS’ SMART UP: WINTER PRODUCTIVITY”
Scientists of the CITAM department successfully completed the course “TEACHERS’ SMART UP: WINTER PRODUCTIVITY”


In January 2023, scientists of the CITAM department prof. Novoselov S. P., Assoc. prof. Bronnikov A.I., Assoc. prof. I.V. Zharikova, Assoc. prof.Maksimova S.S., Assoc. prof. Sychova O.V., Assoc. prof. Chala O.O. and senior lecturer Teslyuk S.I. successfully completed the course “TEACHERS’ SMART UP: WINTER PRODUCTIVITY” from the international IT consulting company Sigma Software.

During the week, meetings were held with Sigma Software company experts who shared the latest developments in the IT industry. This time the course program was focused on the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the IT company.

UNITE! For the green transformation of Ukrainian universities!
UNITE! For the green transformation of Ukrainian universities!


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics will join the green transformation project of the UNITE!

On the initiative of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology UNITE! invited seven universities of Ukraine to cooperate. They will implement the project “Green transformation in Ukrainian universities”, financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchanges.

Scientists of NURE paid a friendly visit to Istanbul Technical University
Scientists of NURE paid a friendly visit to Istanbul Technical University


Head of RTICS department, professor O.I. Tsopa. and associate professor of the department O.O. Dudka visited with a friend a visit to Istanbul Technical University, one of the oldest universities in Turkey. Several modern research laboratories and the office of NURE were inspected.

NURE has a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics of this university on the Melvan international program.

Scientists of NURE joined the German-Ukrainian project “DigiJED-2: Digital Education with Joined Efforts”
Scientists of NURE joined the German-Ukrainian project “DigiJED-2: Digital Education with Joined Efforts”


Since 2023, the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department of NURE has joined the German-Ukrainian project “DigiJED-2: Digital Education with Joined Efforts”.

On 18.01.2023, a congratulatory meeting of the project coordinators of the Angalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany), the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Odesа Polytechnic National University,Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, where the activities in the framework of DigiJED-2 were planned for 2023. The coordinator of the project from NURE is the head of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department, Prof. Lemeshko O.V.

The Electronic Computers Department updates and modernizes material and technical support
The Electronic Computers Department updates and modernizes material and technical support


Despite Russian military aggression and hostilities, the Department of Electronic Computers continues to update and modernize its material and technical support. We received state-of-the-art equipment, the availability of which will allow comprehensive training of specialists who will be able to develop software for embedded systems. With the help of new equipment, students will study embedded systems design technologies – one of the most complex IT areas, which deals with the development of embedded solutions and software for them. At this stage, a Dev Kit is created based on the STM microcontroller, supplemented with sensors, a screen and other components necessary for working on embedded solutions. In the future, it is planned to develop a cloud platform on the basis of which virtual laboratories can be created. With the transition of higher education institutions to distance and mixed learning, the topic of online educational technologies has become especially relevant. It would seem that laboratory work cannot be carried out without physical access to equipment. However, the staff of the Department of Electronic Computers is developing a cloud-based platform that allows students, teachers and researchers to remotely access, work on real or virtual laboratory equipment from anywhere 24/7, provided they have the appropriate device and an Internet connection.

The Electronic Computers Department updates and modernizes material and technical support



As part of the teaching of the disciplines “Methods and Techniques of Image Processing” and “Methods for Biomedical Image Processing”, a master class “Application of Computer Vision Technologies in Medicine” was organised for students of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching under the moderation of Associate Professor Karina Selivanova, where the speaker was Oleksii Trubitsyn, Assistant Professor of the Department.
During the event, issues related to the application of computer vision methods in medicine and biomedical engineering were highlighted, and working examples of programmes and code writing with students for face detection and emotion recognition were demonstrated.

The organisation of such educational events helps to engage students in acquiring practical skills and expanding knowledge during the professional training of applicants at all levels of higher education.

BME department continues cooperation with medical institutions
BME department continues cooperation with medical institutions


Scientists of the Department, in particular Professor Oleg Avrunin, Associate Professors Tetiana Nosova, Yana Nosova, Natalia Shushlyapina, Senior Lecturers Maksym Tymkovych, Yevhen Chuhui, graduate students Ibrahim Yunuss Abdelhamid and Jiao Hankun presented the results of joint research with stakeholders of the Department from medical institutions.
The co-authors of the publications in the SPIE Digital Library of the World Society of Optics and Photonics were Volodymyr Pyatikop, neurosurgeon of the Regional Hospital, and Olha Shevchenko, TB specialist of the Clinical TB Dispensary, professors of Kharkiv National Medical University.
Since 2015, the Laboratory of Analytical Optochemotronics named after Prof. M.M. Rozhytsky of the Department of BME has been cooperating with the Key National Laboratory of Electrochemical Analysis of the Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Together with the team headed by Prof. Guobao Xu, the Laboratory of Analytical Optochemotronics conducts research and development of new methods and analytical instruments for chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence analysis. These methods of analysis are important tools in modern analytics, allowing timely detection of biologically significant components in liquid samples, which is important in solving many problems in medicine, ecology, biology. One of the examples of this cooperation is the work devoted to the detection of an important biological amine, dopamine (hormone and neurotransmitter) “Luminol electrochemiluminescence by combining cathodic reduction and anodic oxidation at regenerable cobalt phthalocyanine modified carbon paste electrode for dopamine detection” by Prof. Snizhko D.V. in co-authorship in the first quartile journal Electrochimica Acta.

Such high publication activity in difficult times of martial law testifies to the development of scientific schools of the University and the contribution to the achievement of SDG 3.



Another defense of qualification works of the second (master’s) level of education in the specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering under the educational program “Orthopedic Technologies and Engineering” took place. This educational program is based on many years of experience of cooperation between the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation (UkrNDIprosthetics) and the availability of a modern training base, as a result of which the project “Creation of Prosthetic and Orthotic Education in Ukraine” is being implemented, which is aimed at developing training programs for teachers-trainers in prosthetics and orthotics. This project operates on the basis of an international agreement between the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, NURE (Ukraine) and the School of Rehabilitation Sciences Human Study, e.v. (Germany). As a result, within the framework of the specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering, a program for the training of teachers-trainers in prosthetics and orthotics under the educational program “Orthopedic Technology and Engineering”, which is developed in accordance with the international standard ISPO category II, has been launched. Within the framework of the project it is planned to publish 10 textbooks on the disciplines of the educational program, of which 4 have already been published.
All masters received excellent grades, they are real specialists and the results of their work are directly implemented in practice.
We wish our graduates future success and professional growth in this very important activity in the field of prosthetics and orthotics!

Work together for the Victory!

Confirmation of the work of the Branch “Girls STEM”
Confirmation of the work of the Branch “Girls STEM”


On December 29, 2022, the final meeting of the branches of the “Girls STEM” initiative took place.
The team of the branch on the basis of the MTS department submitted the work report for 2022, which confirmed the status of the branch and received a certificate.
Branch coordinators discussed the achievements of the past year and created a plan of initiatives for the coming year.
The coordinator of the initiative in Ukraine, Oksana Gerasimenko, invited branches to join the coordinators’ mentoring program, the celebration of Girls in ICT Day, the national Girls’ Day and other interesting and useful events in the coming year.
Such meetings inspire and give an opportunity to develop in such a difficult time.
The #GirlsSTEM branch at the MTS department has been operating since 2020, confirming its status annually.
The #GirlsSTEM initiative takes place within the framework of the “Springboard to Equality” project with the financial support of the Swedish government and contributes to the development of the university’s SDGS.

Confirmation of the work of the Branch “Girls STEM”

Laboratories of Terror: The Final Act of Stalin’s Great Purge in Soviet Ukraine
Laboratories of Terror: The Final Act of Stalin’s Great Purge in Soviet Ukraine


In December 2022, Oxford University Press published the book Laboratories of Terror: The Final Act of Stalin’s Great Purge in Soviet Ukraine.

About the Author: Lynne Viola is University Professor of History at the University of Toronto. Her books include The Unknown Gulag and Stalinist Perpetrators on Trial (OUP, 2017) and The Unknown Gulag: The Lost World of Stalin’s Special Settlements (OUP, 2007). Marc Junge is Senior Researcher of Eastern European History at the University of Erlangen. His publications include Stalin’s Mass Repression and the Cold War Paradigm and Nation-Building by Terror in Soviet Georgia.
Vadym Zolotar’ov, associate professor Department of Information and Network Engineering, is the author of Chapter 4 of the book.
Laboratories of Terror explores the final chapter of Stalin’s Great Terror. On November 1938, the Communist Party Central Committee and the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR issued a directive halting mass operations in repression. This directive not only served to end the mass operations, but led to the release of large numbers of mainly Communist purge victims whose cases remained incomplete. At the same time, it resulted in a “purge of the purgers,” resulting in the scapegoating and arrests of hundreds of NKVD operatives who had carried out the Great Terror at regional and local levels. This episode in the Great Terror remained hidden from view for decades due to the largely closed archives of the Soviet security police. The opening of the Ukrainian security police archives in the 2010s allowed historians for the first time to begin to excavate this chapter in the history of the Great Terror. This collection of essays illuminates the world of the NKVD perpetrator and the mechanics and logistics of the terror at the local level through an examination of the criminal files of a series of mid-level NKVD operatives arrested at the end of the Great Terror in Soviet Ukraine. It reveals the complex relations between center and periphery, illustrating both Stalin’s central role in the architecture of the terror and NKVD perpetrators’ agency in implementing it.
In Chapter 4, Vadym Zolotar’ov details the career of D. A. Pertsov who, like many of the UNKVD leaders in Ukraine at this time, was a client of Uspenskii. Pertsov was an expert in interrogating detained NKVD operatives both in NKVD Ukraine and in the Kharkov Oblast UNKVD. He led by example, frequently walking in on interrogations to threaten and torture those who hesitated to confess. He also worked in the Polish operations. He was arrested in November 1938. He was sentenced to fifteen years and died in a logging camp in 1948, having been charged anew with counterrevolutionary crimes, an unusual sentence during this NKVD purge, following an earlier more lenient sentence of four years for “violations of socialist legality.” The chapter, like many others, demonstrates the importance of personal connections among different groups of NKVD workers.
Laboratories of Terror: The Final Act of Stalin's Great Purge in Soviet Ukraine

Monograph “Modelling of gunshot wounds” published
Monograph “Modelling of gunshot wounds” published


The monograph “Modelling of Gunshot Wounds”, which presents innovative models for the diagnosis of gunshot wounds, has recently been published. Experimental implementation of the research results has proven their high efficiency for both diagnosis and treatment of gunshot wounds.
The monograph was published thanks to many years of close cooperation between the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the Military Medical Clinical Centre of the Northern Region, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, and many other leading institutions.
From the side of NURE, the monograph was contributed by the staff of the Department of Software Engineering: Professor Kyrylo Smeliakov, Associate Professor Anastasiia Chupryna, and PhD student Yevhen Vakulik.
Monograph "Modelling of gunshot wounds" published

NURE supports internally displaced persons
NURE supports internally displaced persons


The internally displaced persons living in the university dormitories received another batch of humanitarian aid: warm clothes and sweets.
Due to the deterioration of weather conditions and the approach of frost, power generating companies of Ukraine warn of possible power outages due to the increased load on the country’s energy system.
In cooperation with local authorities and civil-military cooperation bodies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, KHNURE organised the delivery of warm clothes, blankets and hygiene products. The children also received New Year’s gifts: educational toys and sweet presents.
“Children are our future. They deserve to have a happy childhood and our efforts are a common goal,” said Oksana Anodina, a representative of civil-military cooperation of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who initiated the event.

We would like to remind you that our university was among the first in Kharkiv to respond to the request of the local authorities to accommodate temporary migrants who lost their homes due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The university has provided basic needs, and thanks to cooperation with international organisations, we are providing comprehensive support to the victims of the war. The readiness of NURE to take these steps underlines the importance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which are now the benchmarks for building a sustainable civilised society.