Sustainable Development Goals

Students from NURE conduct research on climate change
Students from NURE conduct research on climate change


As part of InnoBioDiv, an innovative study of the interaction between plants and the environment in a changing climate that combines biology and modern Internet of Things technologies, our students Kateryna Stetsenko (ACTAKIT-20-3 group) and Daryna Nenova (ACTAKIT-21-1 group) visited the University of Köln, where they conducted research together with students of this university!

The main goal of the joint research project InnoBioDiv of the University of Cologne (UzK) and TH Köln (THK) is to create an innovation platform that will allow to test the impact of climatic parameters on plant growth performance and soil biodiversity using the results of the research of the Cluster of Excellence in Plant Science (CEPLAS). The innovation platform serves, on the one hand, to make the ecological interconnections in the root zone tangible, and on the other hand, as a communication platform for collecting concepts and exchanging ideas.



Students of the BIBMi 19 group, Bhit Mais Fadwa and Bhit Hasan Fadwa, have started an internship at F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel, Switzerland. The internships are held in the Electronic Equipment Development and Plastic Processing divisions.  Roche is one of the world leaders in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic equipment markets, and in particular, it is known for its series of clinical diagnostic equipment using the electrochemiluminescence analysis method.

Internships at well-known medical equipment companies allow our students to gain very useful practical experience with modern equipment, which contributes to quality education, one of the main goals of sustainable development for the university.

Speciality 121 “Software engineering” received an award
Speciality 121 “Software engineering” received an award


On 15.02.2023, the speciality 121 “Software Engineering” was awarded a prize from the Kharkiv IT Cluster and the international IT consulting company Sigma Software.

The award is a confirmation that the IT community recommends this study programme because it is adapted to the requirements of the industry.

NURE continues cooperation with healthcare institutions
NURE continues cooperation with healthcare institutions


Representatives of the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and the State Institution “Institute for Health Care of Children and Adolescents of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” signed an agreement on scientific and practical cooperation.
The subject of the agreement is joint research in the field of psychoneurological rehabilitation of children and adolescents, which is extremely important in the conditions of constant stress and emotional overload caused by the war. In particular, NURE scientists will participate in research on a comprehensive assessment of the psychosomatic status of children and adolescents, technologies of individual rehabilitation, adaptation and social inclusion. It is also planned to develop and implement information technologies and training systems for neuropsychiatric rehabilitation.
Even in the difficult conditions of martial law, the partnership for good health and well-being continues.
NURE continues cooperation with healthcare institutions



On February 11, the “Girls STEM” branch, created at the MTS department, joined the initiative of the “CSR Development” Center #Girls STEM, with the support of the L’Oréal Ukraine company, to the QUIZ game on the topic “Ukrainian women in science, who are applauded by the world.”

Also, as part of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, the famous Ukrainian scientist, biologist and winner of the “For Women in Science” Award in 2018 congratulated the girls on the holiday.

NURE scientists participate in a volunteer project from the American IRIX Foundation
NURE scientists participate in a volunteer project from the American IRIX Foundation


On February 7,  «Veterano Cyber Cluster», implemented by the NGO Scientific Association for Cybersecurity of Ukraine through the Veterans Reintegration Program, implemented by IREX with the support of the US Department of State, started training.

Currently, the hot phase of the confrontation with the Russian Federation is ongoing, as a result of which the number of demobilized female and male veterans is constantly growing, and analysts predict that after the war ends, their number will be more than 5% of the population of Ukraine. Already today, one of the main problems faced by female and male veterans in civilian life is their employment. At the same time, employment and stable work accelerates adaptation to civilian life, gives them financial confidence, and is generally the best rehabilitation and means of effective reintegration into society.

NURE scientists took part in the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Topical Issues of Clinical and Technological Medicine”
NURE scientists took part in the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Topical Issues of Clinical and Technological Medicine”


NURE scientists took part in the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Actual problems of clinical and technological medicine”. The event was held in a mixed mode – in a full-time format in Kyiv and remotely – using the ZOOM platform. The chairman of the organising committee of the conference is Oleg Panchenko, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honoured Doctor of Ukraine, Chief Researcher, Director General of   the State Institution “Scientific and Practical Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, President of the NGO “All-Ukrainian Professional Psychiatric League”.
The conference was attended by teachers of the department, as well as higher education students: master’s student Diana Yechina and postgraduate student Taras Chechel. The plenary report of Professor Oleg Avrunin was devoted to the technologies of physical rehabilitation in a remote mode. The event discussed very topical issues of physical and rehabilitation medicine, as well as relevant technical solutions that may be of interest to biomedical engineering specialists.

The conference decided to publish an “Information Security Primer” to preserve and strengthen mental health, create a safe information environment and improve psychological culture among children. The Head of the Department of BME, Professor O.G. Avrunin, was invited to cooperate.

Scientists of the CITAM department successfully completed the course “TEACHERS’ SMART UP: WINTER PRODUCTIVITY”
Scientists of the CITAM department successfully completed the course “TEACHERS’ SMART UP: WINTER PRODUCTIVITY”


In January 2023, scientists of the CITAM department prof. Novoselov S. P., Assoc. prof. Bronnikov A.I., Assoc. prof. I.V. Zharikova, Assoc. prof.Maksimova S.S., Assoc. prof. Sychova O.V., Assoc. prof. Chala O.O. and senior lecturer Teslyuk S.I. successfully completed the course “TEACHERS’ SMART UP: WINTER PRODUCTIVITY” from the international IT consulting company Sigma Software.

During the week, meetings were held with Sigma Software company experts who shared the latest developments in the IT industry. This time the course program was focused on the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the IT company.

UNITE! For the green transformation of Ukrainian universities!
UNITE! For the green transformation of Ukrainian universities!


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics will join the green transformation project of the UNITE!

On the initiative of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology UNITE! invited seven universities of Ukraine to cooperate. They will implement the project “Green transformation in Ukrainian universities”, financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchanges.

Scientists of NURE paid a friendly visit to Istanbul Technical University
Scientists of NURE paid a friendly visit to Istanbul Technical University


Head of RTICS department, professor O.I. Tsopa. and associate professor of the department O.O. Dudka visited with a friend a visit to Istanbul Technical University, one of the oldest universities in Turkey. Several modern research laboratories and the office of NURE were inspected.

NURE has a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics of this university on the Melvan international program.

Scientists of NURE joined the German-Ukrainian project “DigiJED-2: Digital Education with Joined Efforts”
Scientists of NURE joined the German-Ukrainian project “DigiJED-2: Digital Education with Joined Efforts”


Since 2023, the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department of NURE has joined the German-Ukrainian project “DigiJED-2: Digital Education with Joined Efforts”.

On 18.01.2023, a congratulatory meeting of the project coordinators of the Angalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany), the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Odesа Polytechnic National University,Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, where the activities in the framework of DigiJED-2 were planned for 2023. The coordinator of the project from NURE is the head of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department, Prof. Lemeshko O.V.

The Electronic Computers Department updates and modernizes material and technical support
The Electronic Computers Department updates and modernizes material and technical support


Despite Russian military aggression and hostilities, the Department of Electronic Computers continues to update and modernize its material and technical support. We received state-of-the-art equipment, the availability of which will allow comprehensive training of specialists who will be able to develop software for embedded systems. With the help of new equipment, students will study embedded systems design technologies – one of the most complex IT areas, which deals with the development of embedded solutions and software for them. At this stage, a Dev Kit is created based on the STM microcontroller, supplemented with sensors, a screen and other components necessary for working on embedded solutions. In the future, it is planned to develop a cloud platform on the basis of which virtual laboratories can be created. With the transition of higher education institutions to distance and mixed learning, the topic of online educational technologies has become especially relevant. It would seem that laboratory work cannot be carried out without physical access to equipment. However, the staff of the Department of Electronic Computers is developing a cloud-based platform that allows students, teachers and researchers to remotely access, work on real or virtual laboratory equipment from anywhere 24/7, provided they have the appropriate device and an Internet connection.

The Electronic Computers Department updates and modernizes material and technical support