Sustainable Development Goals

[Not] women’s business: how to be a girl in IT?
[Not] women’s business: how to be a girl in IT?


Dear girls, if one day you are told that IT technology is not for you, do not even think to take offense at this person. This has nothing to do with reality. We conducted a small survey to find out where the path of the current students of KHNURE began and what words they would pass on to future students.

On the fourth Thursday of April, the International Day of Girls in IT is celebrated all over the world. Although the field of information technology is considered to be one of the most progressive, it is still shrouded in gender stereotypes. Despite this, our University annually accepts hundreds of students who prove by their own example that girls belong in the field of technology.

The graduate student at the BME department has received certificates of completion of training courses
The graduate student at the BME department has received certificates of completion of training courses


The graduate student Ibrahim Yunus Abdelhamid said that despite quarantine and the work of educational institutions in the remote mode, training opportunities continue to be available to everyone.

Thanks to the support of Professor Oleg Grigoryevich Avrunin, Ibrahim Yunus Abdelhamid has completed several online trainings and accredited training courses (CME). A total of approximately 32 courses with 32 certificates, including courses directly related to the field of his scientific interests: functional diagnostic methods; clinical features of severe acute respiratory infection in the context of the CORONA VIRUS pandemic (2019-NCOV); section “Introduction to the epidemiology of infectious diseases.”

Times Higher Education Assessed the Contribution of NURE to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Times Higher Education Assessed the Contribution of NURE to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


For the second year in a row, the influential British newspaper Times Higher Education (THE) publishes the university rankings of THE University Impact Rankings.

Opportunities of Modern Panoramic Video Technologies For Creating Interactive Educational Content
Opportunities of Modern Panoramic Video Technologies For Creating Interactive Educational Content


The challenge associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the fact that distance education methods have become essential in the context of forced quarantine and self-isolation of participants in the educational process.

Distance Learning. New Challenges: How To Exam Online
Distance Learning. New Challenges: How To Exam Online


We continue to expand our knowledge and improve distance learning skills. Now we have gained new experience – how to conduct an exam online. Discipline “Methods and Systems of Artificial Intelligence” exam for the ITCSz-17-1 group is passed today. There is the topic “Exam” with the section “Tasks” in the module of this course. Each student has a folder in the section for publishing their answers.

The teacher and students met at a video conference at the Google Hangouts Meet at the beginning of the exam. It is an online form of authentification confirmation. On the next stage, students sent a request letter to the teacher from their address at domain, in response, they received a pdf file with the personalised exams tasks. On the next two hours, students had to write answers on questions from their exams cards. Each student had to shot their written response, to create a pdf file and to send it to the course page, placing it under the “Exam” task section, into the folder with their last name.

Distance Learning Continuation. Now it is Undergraduate practice online
Distance Learning Continuation. Now it is Undergraduate practice online


Everyone has already mastered teaching and studying online. But now we have a new challenge – how to do an undergraduate practice online!

We created the module “Undergraduate practice at the AI department” on the MOODLE platform ( For each of three teachers, the practice supervisors, we made a separate Consulting Point with access to video conferences via Google Hangouts Meet, where the teacher are presented every day according to the schedule attached to the module for counseling students.

Trust in yourself charity foundation announces “Upgrade University” competition
Trust in yourself charity foundation announces “Upgrade University” competition


NURE’s partner, the Trust in Yourself Charity Foundation, announces the “Upgrade University” competition, which provides an opportunity for active students of the higher education system to implement their own initiatives for the development of higher education institutions and improving the educational process.

Project implementation budget: 33 000 UAH

Distance Learning in Nure During the Quarantine Period
Distance Learning in Nure During the Quarantine Period


Due to the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, on March 11, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to introduce quarantine for all types of educational institutions. On the implementation of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 11.03.2020, NURE also declared a quarantine.

Residents of dormitories, if possible, are recommended to return home, and it is also prohibited to hold mass events of an educational, scientific, social, sporting, cultural and entertainment nature.

NURE representatives participated in the ALL DIGITAL Week webinar
NURE representatives participated in the ALL DIGITAL Week webinar


The Department of Systems Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, as a part of the Erasmus + dComFra project, joined the European initiative All Digital Week, where a webinar “Features of creating presentations in the Microsoft PowerPoint application” for teachers took place on March 27.  The webinar was devoted to the method of work in the MS PowerPoint application and its features in the development of presentations for school lessons in various subjects.
The event featured examples of presentations in computer science, geography, mother tongue and foreign language, the variety and features of using animations in the PowerPoint application, the ability of the application to create your own graphical objects.  The skills of working with this and other similar applications can be useful for conducting online lessons or for testing students’ knowledge.


NURE participated in the scientific seminar
NURE participated in the scientific seminar


Within the framework of the long-term cooperation of the Institute of Medical Radiology named after M. Grigoriev and the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics a seminar on making diagnostic decisions in medicine took place in the Institute of Medical Radiology named after M. Grigoriev in order to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 3: Good health and well-being). Good health is essential to sustainable development. Seminar leader, Head of the Biomedical Engineering Department, Professor Oleg Avrunin, made a presentation on the criteria of evidence-based medical diagnostics. The seminar was attended by researchers and practitioners from Institute of Medical Radiology


Participation in the event for persons with disabilities
Participation in the event for persons with disabilities


4th year student of ITKN-16-5 group Kizilov Mikhail took 5th place at the 64th Chess Championship among athletes with impaired vision, hearing and musculoskeletal system.  The championship was held on February 25, 2020 at the Kharkiv Regional Center for Physical Culture and Sports of Persons with Disabilities «Invasport».  «Invasport» is a system of physical education and sports for persons with disabilities, operating in Ukraine at the state level. The main focus of the «Invasport» system is the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities by means of physical culture and sports, their integration into society.


The NURE event is noted by the European commission certificate
The NURE event is noted by the European commission certificate


On October 11, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics joined the EU Code Week initiative, during which teachers of the Department of Systems Engineering shared their knowledge of IT with students in grades 7-11.  Within the EU Code Week and the work on the Erasmus + project “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” dComFra, practical training on MS Office components and databases was conducted with students.

 As a result of NURE’s work, it has received a certificate for successful completion of all EU Code Week 4 2019 tasks.