Sustainable Development Goals

NURE joins the Enterprise University initiative
NURE joins the Enterprise University initiative


An interesting meeting with USAID Competitive Economy Program Manager ( David Anderson took place today at the UER Incubator (

The meeting was attended by representatives of the departments of NURE and representatives of KNU V.N. Karazina.

The official website of the Ministry of Education and Science published the results of an audit of technologies ready for implementation and scientific and technical (experimental) developments created by Ukrainian universities
The official website of the Ministry of Education and Science published the results of an audit of technologies ready for implementation and scientific and technical (experimental) developments created by Ukrainian universities


The official website of the Ministry of Education and Science published the results of an audit of technologies ready for implementation and scientific and technical (experimental) developments created by Ukrainian universities

Extract from the collective agreement on rationing and wages
Extract from the collective agreement on rationing and wages


The collective agreement between the administration and the committee of the primary trade union organization of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (protocol №39 of March 28, 2019 was approved at the labor collective conference) stipulates rationing of working hours of all university employees and stipulates that wages cannot be lower than payment established by the laws of Ukraine on the State Budget of Ukraine for the current year.

Professor Oleg Avrunin took part in the scientific and practical conference «Problems of inventive and rationalization activities in the Kharkiv region»
Professor Oleg Avrunin took part in the scientific and practical conference «Problems of inventive and rationalization activities in the Kharkiv region»


Every year, on the third Saturday of September, Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Inventor and Innovator. On the occasion of the holiday that unites people of different professions, but always endowed with a rare gift of creativity, a sense of the new, the ability to expand the boundaries of the familiar, go beyond stereotypes, a scientific and practical online conference “Problems of Inventive and Rationalization Activities in the Kharkiv Region” was held.

The event was organized by the department of scientific and information support of innovative technologies of the Kharkiv State Scientific Library named after V.G. Korolenko together with the Kharkiv Regional Council of the Society of Inventors and Rationalizers of Ukraine with the support of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration.

Prototype solar concentrator
Prototype solar concentrator


There is not enough oil, there is no money for solar panels, but our scientists from NURE have an answer to what to do with it.

We know that fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas are not recovered. For the past 30 years, black gold, which has become the blood of our civilization, is dangerously close to depletion.

NURE Solar Station
NURE Solar Station


Solar cells are durable, environmentally friendly and energy-balanced alternative energy sources.
Now alternative sources of electricity based on solar panels are being actively introduced into urban utilities, security systems, base stations for mobile communications, etc.
Student scientific research of solar stations based on silicon monocrystalline panels was carried out at NURE.
After studying solar panel KV 150/24 parameters: voltage, current, output power, taking into account illumination and temperature in winter conditions within daylight hours, the panels were installed on the University main building roof.
These solar panels  power spotlights that illuminate NURE logo at night.



From July 29, 2021, an electronic queue for applicants has been operating at the KNURE Admissions Committee, in which you can register using a telegram bot using the link
This project was introduced with the support of Kharkiv IT Cluster
Chatbot provides fast and comfortable submission of documents by applicants. First, they choose a free slot and have the opportunity to prepare originals and copies of documents in advance, and then sign up for a specific time, come and submit documents to the university.
The terms of reference for the project were developed by the staff of the KNURE selection committee. The software implementation is implemented using the Kharkov IT Cluster.
The pilot project was first tested, and then it was launched into real operation and in two days about 200 applicants registered in the electronic queue.
Cooperation with Kharkiv IT Cluster contributes to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

The success story of NURE graduate and lecturer Oleksandra Dudka
The success story of NURE graduate and lecturer Oleksandra Dudka


The success story of NURE graduate and lecturer Oleksandra Dudka published on Femmegineering  “WOMEN NEED TO OVERCOME THEIR FEARS OF FAILURE”
Femmegineering is a place where females in the tech industry are highlighted and allowed to share their experiences with girls who want to or are already studying to become an engineer or work in tech. Femmegineering also wants to help elevate the status of being a girl in a tech program and support them in their choice of education. By contributing to a higher status of those in a technical college or university, we want to make them feel a greater sense of belonging and become more positive towards education.
We want this to trickle down the grapevine and reach younger girls who will hear more positive words on being a girl in tech. This will hopefully contribute to more girls applying for tech schools and thus making the situation more balanced.
Today there is a shortage of qualified engineers and tech experts in our industry. This means that students in tech programs at colleges and universities are largely guaranteed jobs immediately after graduation. As a university-educated engineer, you are extremely attractive to the market. And since the companies and your future employers are well aware of how important it is to be evenly represented, female engineers are an especially sought-after gem.
Of all those graduating each year, only 10% are girls. A disappointing figure but a figure that makes the girls rarities in an industry where the companies will do everything to make sure that you want to work for them. Because they know that you will contribute with qualities and an approach that they lack or have too little of.
OLEXANDRA DUDKA: “If we want this process to go faster, women need to overcome their fears of failure, the opinion that they are not as good as men, and that STEM is too difficult.
When choosing a future profession, it is important to ask yourself: where do you see yourself in 10 years in a professional perspective? What do you enjoy? What are you interested in? What work would make you get up in the morning? If you are interested in writing programs or solving equations, then you should go for it. Everyone has some difficulties on the way, such as external influence or public opinion. But these are temporary factors that will eventually pass. What will remain is your profession; that is why it is so important to enjoy it. I believe that it is impossible to realize oneself and achieve success in an unloved profession”.

Employees of the Special training and rehabilitation department took part in the online seminar
Employees of the Special training and rehabilitation department took part in the online seminar


On July 12 and 19, employees of the Special Educational and Rehabilitation Department took part in the online seminar: “International experience in the application of human rights approaches in conducting sociological research with the participation of people with disabilities” as part of the project “Impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities in Ukraine”.

This project is funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council and the UK Global Challenges Research Foundation.

Employees of the BME department took part in the forum on healthcare issues
Employees of the BME department took part in the forum on healthcare issues


The BME Department ensures the participation of KNURE in the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings for sustainable development.
Therefore, an interesting experience was the participation in the Times Higher Education forum, dedicated to health issues, took place on July 7-8 online
Health and well-being are fundamental human rights and key indicators of sustainable development.
Poor health threatens access to education and work, increases poverty, and limits personal and economic development. It is both a key cause and a result of poverty. In partnership with RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Times Higher Education Forum brought together university leaders and experts from around the world to exchange research ideas and solutions to address key health issues that affect human development outcomes. Collaboration in health care is essential for sustainable development in the growing health care market, as well as for the improvement and diversification of its resources. Effective collaboration between higher education and society can lead to lasting transformational change and support progress towards achieving SDG 3.
Forum topics were:
Health Research and Innovation;
Global collaboration and the future of health;
Building sustainable societies.
The forum also raised questions about how universities are using the latest technology to research and create the next generation of wellness solutions. Examples were given of universities using the latest technology to transform, learn and share research in order to tackle global risks and achieve SDRs.
Also at the event, Duncan Ross, THE Director of Data and Analytics, gave a masterclass and an overview of Impact Rankings methodology with a focus on SDG 3: Strong Health.



On July 9, a working meeting was held with representatives of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthetic Construction and Rehabilitation, which was devoted to the preparation of a series of textbooks on modern technologies of orthotics and prosthetics. The Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthetic Construction and Rehabilitation is a long-term partner of the department.

The results of joint international projects, such as “Development of prosthetic and orthopedic education in Ukraine”, launched by NATO Support and Supply Agency, research on medical and technical issues of rehabilitation and social adaptation of persons with disabilities, awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Education Integrated information and educational environment and rehabilitation measures to ensure equal access to quality education for people with special educational needs “- all this provides a basis for the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the field of prosthetics, orthotics and physical rehabilitation.

Symposium “Education and Health of the Young Generation”
Symposium “Education and Health of the Young Generation”


On May 11-14, 2021, the III International Symposium “Education and Health of the Young Generation” was held, which is dedicated to Europe Day in Ukraine and the 15th anniversary of teacher training in Ukraine.

Symposium organizers: National Pedagogical University. M.P. Drahomanova,