
On December 24, the scientific director of the benchmarking and web management department, associate professor of the AI department Chala L.E. reported to the Academic Council “On the participation of KNURE in the world ranking of QS universities in the context of a new expansion of the QS ESG Metrics evaluation system”.
More and more world university rankings take into account and measure the efforts of universities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For example, the British rating agency QS this year introduced new rating indicators on the environment, environmental impact, carbon emissions, sustainable procurement, gender balance, and more.
ESG means using environmental, social and governance factors to assess universities’ progress in sustainable development.
L.E. Chala proposed to include indicators that reflect the contribution of departments to the achievement of the CSB in the ranking of departments.
The Academic Council decided to add Sustainable Development Goals to the list of indicators of the rating of departments and faculties of NURE.
The Benchmarking and Web Management Department has been instructed to adapt the QS rating indicators to the rating indicators of NURE departments and faculties.