Organization of the educational process of persons with special educational needs


On December 24, 2021, the Academic Council of NURE considered and approved the Rules of Admission to NURE in 2022
Section 1, paragraph 6 of the Rules contains information about the Organization of the educational process of persons with special needs in NURE.
NURE has a special training and rehabilitation department to support students with special educational needs. The department was established for the organization of integrated education of students of NURE with special educational needs in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 587 of 27.06.2008.

The main tasks of the department:

– coordination of university services for the organization of psychological, pedagogical, social, medical and other types of support for students with special educational needs;

– development of methods and systems of accounting for students with special educational needs, analysis of their individual needs and ways of integration and adaptation to the educational environment of the university;

– improving the quality of the educational process;

– organization of interaction of the university with local executive bodies, state and non-state institutions (public organizations, foundations, etc.).

The educational process of people with special needs at NURE is carried out in accordance with state educational standards, which are mandatory for all students, regardless of their state of health. This enables people with disabilities to master all the necessary list of competencies in the relevant specialty and be competitive in the labor market.To ensure the educational process of people with disabilities in NURE organized a system of their comprehensive support, which includes technical, pedagogical, psychological, medical rehabilitation, physical culture, sports, social, professional adaptation and rehabilitation.

The purpose of specialized technical support of training is to provide people with disabilities with adaptive technical means and special learning technologies.

Technical support allows to ensure the principle of accessibility to quality higher education for all persons with disabilities, regardless of the severity of the disease. At all stages of technical support at the university, individual (tutoring) support of people with disabilities is provided in order to help solve individual problems of mastering academic disciplines.

Pedagogical support of study at NURE provides for the optimization of teaching materials to students with disabilities in the most acceptable form for them, the introduction of modern pedagogical learning technologies, providing educational and methodological materials.

Psychological support is aimed at clarifying the psychological characteristics of each person with disabilities, strengthening and maintaining their psychological health, providing them with the necessary assistance in adapting to the integrated educational environment of the university, and promoting personal development.

The purpose of medical and rehabilitation support for people with disabilities at the university is to support, preserve and restore the physical health of students.Its components are emergency medical care, counseling and prevention and rehabilitation support.

Social support of the educational process at the university includes measures aimed at ensuring the socialization of people with disabilities, including their socio-domestic, socio-cultural and socio-labor adaptation.

Physical culture and sports support for people with disabilities at the university is designed to encourage them to actively engage in physical culture and certain sports, participate in competitions of various levels and Paralympic movement, strengthen motivation for a healthy lifestyle, improve students’ mental health and increase their intellectual capacity.

Professional adaptation and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in NURE is carried out by involving them in research work of students, passing industrial and pre-certification practices, and employment assistance.

The implementation of the adopted provisions will help reduce inequality in all its manifestations and achieve SDG 10.