Professor Oleg Avrunin took part in the scientific and practical conference «Problems of inventive and rationalization activities in the Kharkiv region»


Every year, on the third Saturday of September, Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Inventor and Innovator. On the occasion of the holiday that unites people of different professions, but always endowed with a rare gift of creativity, a sense of the new, the ability to expand the boundaries of the familiar, go beyond stereotypes, a scientific and practical online conference “Problems of Inventive and Rationalization Activities in the Kharkiv Region” was held.

The event was organized by the department of scientific and information support of innovative technologies of the Kharkiv State Scientific Library named after V.G. Korolenko together with the Kharkiv Regional Council of the Society of Inventors and Rationalizers of Ukraine with the support of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration.

The head of the department professor A.G. Avrunin took part in the conference with the report “Development of devices and methods for testing respiratory-olfactory disorders”.

In his speech dedicated to many years of research in the field of biomedical engineering, the author of more than 50 applications for inventions and utility models, shared his experience in the development of devices for the functional diagnosis of nasal breathing disorders and noted that the promotion of innovation is an important factor in economic growth and sustainable development.

Professor Oleg Avrunin took part in the scientific and practical conference «Problems of inventive and rationalization activities in the Kharkiv region»

Professor Oleg Avrunin took part in the scientific and practical conference «Problems of inventive and rationalization activities in the Kharkiv region»