Successes of students and tutors of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department on the Range Force Cyber Polygon
Successes of students and tutors of the V.V. Popovskyy ICE Department on the Range Force Cyber Polygon


As part of the project “Cybersecurity of Ukraine’s Critical Infrastructure,” funded by USAID and implemented jointly with NURE, professors and students of the V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering have access to powerful educational resources and testing facilities provided by the Range Force Cyber Polygon. Many faculty members of the department, from assistants to the head of the department, have been trained and tested at the cyber polygon over the past 1.5 years and are implementing the knowledge and skills gained in the learning process when teaching disciplines and conducting internships with students enrolled in the department’s educational programs.

Hundreds of our students have already improved their knowledge and skills through access to Range Force Cyber Polygon. Each student and faculty member has been certified as a result of successfully completing modules at Range Force, covering various aspects of information security, from basic cyber hygiene to cloud security. Certificates like these are a very valuable argument in the employment of our future graduates.

NURE students continue to win
NURE students continue to win


On 12-16.03.2023, the Ukrainian Classic Bench Press Championship was held in Kamianets-Podilskyi.

NURE is in the TOP-5 among Ukrainian universities in the QS subject ranking


The British rating agency QS has published the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023.

The MST department conducts online courses for students
The MST department conducts online courses for students


In these difficult times, when classes are held remotely, many students have problems connecting to the Internet due to emergency power outages. The MST Department offers additional classes in the relevant disciplines. These classes are open to students of any course. The material taught contributes to the improvement of their professional competences and professionalism. These courses are for those students who are already accumulating their experience and professional skills.

Additionally, all students who attend these courses more than 80% of the time will receive an international certificate and additional points in the scholarship ranking.

Scientists of the BME department took part in a scientific and practical conference
Scientists of the BME department took part in a scientific and practical conference


Scientists of the BME Department, Professor Oleg Avrunin and Associate Professor Natalia Shushlyapina, took part in the scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of children’s and adult otolaryngology in wartime”, which was held on 18 March at the Ternopil Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital. The main goal of the conference was to improve the qualifications and continuous development of doctors and teachers in the field of otorhinolaryngology, to acquire practical skills, to improve the provision of medical care to the population, to consider the possibilities of modern diagnostic tools and endoscopic technologies in minimally invasive ENT surgery. In particular, the reports were considered, including postoperative management of victims with mine-blast trauma of the ENT organs; issues related to the technique of endoscopic maxillary sinusotomy, diagnostic capabilities of computed tomography of the ENT organs, and others.

At the end of the event, the participants had the opportunity to communicate and ask questions to the conference speakers.

NURE received new generators
NURE received new generators


The ongoing educational process continues in unbroken Kharkiv. Teachers and students of the University continue to work.

Participation in the webinar “Women in Cybersecurity: Building Professional Associations Based on Successful Practices”
Participation in the webinar “Women in Cybersecurity: Building Professional Associations Based on Successful Practices”


On March 15, 2023, the webinar “Women in Cybersecurity: Creating Professional Associations Based on Successful Practices” was held on the Zoom platform. The event is a continuation of a series of gender events launched by the USAID Project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure of Ukraine”, which promotes professional development opportunities for women in cybersecurity and encourages women cybersecurity professionals to build cyber communities of common interest and expertise by collaborating with other experts in the field.

Partner of the event – Kharkiv Chapters ACM Women Europe – Kharkiv Information & Communication Technologies ACM-W Chapter.

IREX veterans reintegration program
IREX veterans reintegration program


On March 14, a live broadcast of HARDENED BY STEEL was held with the participation of Maryna Yevdokymenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Development Director of the Scientific Cyber Security Association of Ukraine. Maryna is also the manager of the Veterano cyber cluster project, which is being implemented with the support of the IREX Veterans Reintegration Program.

HARDENED BY STEEL is a live weekly Q&A from experts who help veterans, military and their families.

NURE signed a cooperation agreement with JSC Kharkivtransgaz


NURE helps to integrate the latest technologies into the Ukrainian economy.

Aalen University announces a competitive selection for NURE researchers


We invite students of the second, third and fourth years of Bachelor’s degree and the first year of Master’s degree.

NURE helps to integrate the latest technologies into the Ukrainian economy
NURE helps to integrate the latest technologies into the Ukrainian economy


On March 3, 2023, in order to deepen integration into the real sector of the national economy, the Acting Rector of NURE Igor Ruban signed a cooperation agreement with JSC «Kharkivtransgaz».

The company provides gas to more than a quarter of the population of Ukraine and supplies almost 30% of the natural gas required by the country’s economy. «Kharkivtransgaz» is a branch of the subsidiary company «Ukrtransgaz» of the National Joint Stock Company «Naftogaz of Ukraine». «Ukrtransgaz» ensures the operation of Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities, as well as works on the modernization and construction of main gas pipelines and facilities on them.

Participation in the training for trainers program on the “Google Digital Tools for Education” program
Participation in the training for trainers program on the “Google Digital Tools for Education” program


During the period of February 02 to February 19, 2023, Irina Svyd, the head of the department of MTS, participated in an intensive training for trainers program on the “Google Digital Tools for Education” program.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, with the support of Google Ukraine, organized free training within the “Google Digital Tools for Education” program in order to expand the possibilities of using digital tools for organizing distance learning and increasing the effectiveness of the educational process, which is being carried out during the 2022/2023 academic year.