Decent work and economic growth28.12.2021
Sustainable Development Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth calls for “promoting sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”.
Ensuring sustainable growth of the University’s financial capacity is a priority.
Thus, due to the high indicators that make up the formula for financing the free economic zone of Ukraine for the last 2 years, the University received almost UAH 57 million. more than last year.
The implementation of the tasks of SDG 8 should improve the living standards of employees, increase opportunities for their material incentives, and launch a chain process of transformation in the direction of achieving all other Sustainable Development Goals.
The implementation of policies aimed at sustainable economic growth, maintaining employment, especially youth, and realizing its potential is possible only if the implementation of structural-innovative development model – the so-called “formula” funding model that takes into account the contingent of applicants, research costs and international recognition universities.
In addition, the expansion of innovation and technical re-equipment of the laboratory base should strengthen the requirements for the quality and level of education, the desire for self-realization, change the motivation to work and promote self-development.