Sustainable Development Goals

Combating Gender Stereotypes and Sexism
Combating Gender Stereotypes and Sexism


Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights.  Education opens the world of science, dialogues and is the main platform for building an open and progressive society.
In higher education, it is important to see life through the prism of equality, inclusion, tolerance, mutual respect and support.
Education must be free from fear of any form of violence, discrimination or harassment.

The Student Guide main goal is to answer key questions about discrimination and its manifestations, to inspire and teach counteraction.

Scientists of the BME department published article in Sensors magazine
Scientists of the BME department published article in Sensors magazine


Professor Avrunin’s research team continues to study existing methods of rhinomanometric diagnostics.
In international collaboration with scientists KhNMU, Poland and Kazakhstan in the journal of the second quartile published the results of studies of dynamic rhinomanometry of nasal breathing.

In the article “Research Active Posterior Rhinomanometry Tomography Method for Nasal Breathing Determining Violations”  practical recommendations for the design and operation of functional diagnostics nasal breathing disorders.
The article includes materials from several years of research on hardware for diagnosing nasal breathing disorders, as well as their biophysical justification.
The own experience received at development of methods of testing of nasal breath is resulted, Possibilities of testing of olfactory disorders are considered, the analysis of errors of rhinomanometric measurements and comparison of various methods is carried out diagnostics of functional disorders of nasal breathing.

Decent work and economic growth
Decent work and economic growth


Sustainable Development Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth calls for “promoting sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”.
On December 24, 2021, at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, a report on the progress of the achievement of SDG 8 “Decent Work and Economic Growth” was presented. In particular, information is provided on the achievements and challenges in the implementation of the University’s policy to achieve the SDG 8.
Ensuring sustainable growth of the University’s financial capacity is a priority.
Thus, due to the high indicators that make up the formula for financing the free economic zone of Ukraine for the last 2 years, the University received almost UAH 57 million. more than last year.
The implementation of the tasks of SDG 8 should improve the living standards of employees, increase opportunities for their material incentives, and launch a chain process of transformation in the direction of achieving all other Sustainable Development Goals.
The implementation of policies aimed at sustainable economic growth, maintaining employment, especially youth, and realizing its potential is possible only if the implementation of structural-innovative development model – the so-called “formula” funding model that takes into account the contingent of applicants, research costs and international recognition universities.
In addition, the expansion of innovation and technical re-equipment of the laboratory base should strengthen the requirements for the quality and level of education, the desire for self-realization, change the motivation to work and promote self-development.


Organization of the educational process of persons with special educational needs
Organization of the educational process of persons with special educational needs


On December 24, 2021, the Academic Council of NURE considered and approved the Rules of Admission to NURE in 2022
Section 1, paragraph 6 of the Rules contains information about the Organization of the educational process of persons with special needs in NURE.
NURE has a special training and rehabilitation department to support students with special educational needs. The department was established for the organization of integrated education of students of NURE with special educational needs in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 587 of 27.06.2008.

The main tasks of the department:



On December 24, the scientific director of the benchmarking and web management department, associate professor of the AI department Chala L.E. reported to the Academic Council “On the participation of KNURE in the world ranking of QS universities in the context of a new expansion of the QS ESG Metrics evaluation system”.
More and more world university rankings take into account and measure the efforts of universities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For example, the British rating agency QS this year introduced new rating indicators on the environment, environmental impact, carbon emissions, sustainable procurement, gender balance, and more.
ESG means using environmental, social and governance factors to assess universities’ progress in sustainable development.
L.E. Chala proposed to include indicators that reflect the contribution of departments to the achievement of the CSB in the ranking of departments.
The Academic Council decided to add Sustainable Development Goals to the list of indicators of the rating of departments and faculties of NURE.
The Benchmarking and Web Management Department has been instructed to adapt the QS rating indicators to the rating indicators of NURE departments and faculties.

Landscaping of the NURE territory
Landscaping of the NURE territory


Since 2002, the university staff have planted trees around the university every year. This tradition was founded by the former rector Mykhaylo Bondarenko.

In 2016, 5 viburnum bushes were planted near the memorial plaque to the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred Yevgen Kotlyar, and in 2019, in front of the university stadium, 7 seedlings of decorative trees.

Charity action of NURE
Charity action of NURE


In October, the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, with the support of the Kharkiv Basketball Federation, organized a charity basketball tournament “Sports to Help Children”.

8 teams took part in the competition. The games lasted 3 days. 4 teams reached the final: Legion, Mikhalych, KNURE, Team HA. All teams showed a great game of basketball!

Meeting with Doctor from Tishreen University Hospital in Latakia
Meeting with Doctor from Tishreen University Hospital in Latakia


BME Department was visited by Dr. Youssef Youssef Consultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgeon Tishreen University Hospital, Professor Tishreen University in Latakia (Syrian Arab Republic)
During the visit, department laboratories were demonstrated and the prospects of international cooperation were discussed together with specialists Head and Neck Surgery Department Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital.
There was an exchange experience on the competencies of modern biomedical engineers and discussion about relevant programmes for all education levels.
Tishreen University Hospital is one of the largest health centers in the province Latakia.
It accommodates 800 patients and is equipped with modern equipment that allows professionals to provide modern medical care.
Exchange of experience and development of partnerships with medical institutions promotes sustainable development.



Faculty, staff and students with special needs of NURE took part in the Week of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, held by the National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine from November 29 to December 5, 2021. This year it was held under the slogan “National Partnership – Concerted Accessibility”.

This year’s theme “National Partnership – Concerted Accessibility” expands the approach to disability issues, provides an opportunity to once again emphasize the interests of men and women, children and youth with disabilities at local and national levels, draws attention to the priority issues of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first teaching aids for the preparation of masters in the educational program “Orthopedic Technologies and Engineering” have been approved
The first teaching aids for the preparation of masters in the educational program “Orthopedic Technologies and Engineering” have been approved


Within the framework of the project “Professional training and education of specialists in prosthetics / orthotics in Ukraine”, funded by the NATO Trust Fund for Medical Rehabilitation of Military Personnel, training of specialists continues on the basis of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation, Department of BMI, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics in cooperation with the German educational school P&O Human Study in accordance with the internationally recognized ISPO Category II standards.

According to the Information on the implementation of the activities of the Annual National Program under the auspices of the Ukraine-NATO Commission for 2021, the project has been extended.



On December 1, 2021, the Digital Competence Office of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics started teacher training under the project «dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens» (registration number 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CB . Training will be conducted using the innovative digital learning environment created thanks to dComFra, and will be accompanied exclusively by professional tutors (teachers who, in addition to professional knowledge, have special skills in using the digital environment and have blended learning techniques). The curriculum offers digital competencies in 22 areas, from the basic to the advanced level. At the end of the training all participants will receive national certificates for digital competencies and certificates of advanced training, the best participants will be able to pass the ICDL certification for free in the pilot project dComFra.

The objectives of the project dComFra: to create and present an effective network of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition, which is based on the Ukrainian HSE, profile associations, government and business structures; to develop and implement Ukrainian frameworks of digital competencies; to develop recommendations for changes in curricula / programs on digital competencies, in accordance with the Digital Agenda for Europe and modern labor market requirements; to create digital competency trainings for teachers and other citizens; to conduct a training course for teachers and other citizens.

Solar Smart Flashlight
Solar Smart Flashlight


Solar Smart Flashlight

Smart lantern on solar energy – is a device that is powered by solar energy, responds to the approach of a person, day and night, and can last nearly a quarter century.