
The Cup of Ukraine is the largest team programming competition in Ukraine and an opportunity to get an alternative elite education in the art of developing algorithms and programs!


– to increase the level of algorithmic training of Ukrainian students and schoolchildren;

– to provide an opportunity to demonstrate their programming skills not only at the regional but also at the international level in the future;

– to popularize IT among young people.

The organizers of the Cup of Ukraine are Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and the team of the Ukrainian platform EOlymp. Leading IT companies also joined the support of the Ukrainian Programming Cup: Cloud Works, CodeITData Art and the Swedish-Ukrainian IT school Beetroot Academy.

The competitions in the most popular programming languages (C++, Pascal, Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, etc.) will last from November 2022 to May 2023 in the Online format.

The Ukrainian Cup consists of several stages, each of which is a regular 5-hour contest that will be held every two weeks on Sundays.

Competitions will be held in two divisions, which each participant chooses independently! The first division is for more experienced with more complex tasks, and the second – for beginners and schoolchildren.

The official languages of the cup are English and Ukrainian.

During the Cup of Ukraine participants will:

– gain new experience;

– test their knowledge and skills;

– find new friends and like-minded people;

– receive advice and solutions to complex problems from professionals!

Coordinator of the Olympiad – Oleksandr Vechur, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering at NURE.

Coordinator of registration – Samantsov Oleksandr , Senior Lecturer of the Department of Software Engineering of NURE.

Coordinator for obtaining information materials – Rusakova Natalia, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering.