
Kharkiv’s IT Cluster has given the protective screens to NURE
Kharkiv’s IT Cluster has given the protective screens to NURE


As a part of the IT4Life project, representatives of the Kharkiv IT Cluster provided security screens for the employees of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics for the purpose of organizing safe working conditions and preventing COVID-19 infection.

NURE ranked the 22nd position in the Scopus 2020 ranking of universities
NURE ranked the 22nd position in the Scopus 2020 ranking of universities


The portal presented the results of the rating of Ukrainian higher education institutions on Scopus indicators.  As of April 2020, 177 universities have been enrolled.
In the rating table, HEIs are ranked by h-index.  Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics has 30 points on the Worst Index and occupies the 22nd position, including the total number of publications – the 10th positions, and the 17th on citations.

NURE continues to work under quarantine
NURE continues to work under quarantine


To prevent the spread of Coronavirus disease, the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics has quarantined but continues to work remotely.  University staff who carry out their duties in the workplace and maintain the university’s livelihoods with personal protective equipment.

Distance Learning
Distance Learning


In the context of a nationwide quarantine, the educational process at the Department of AI continues remotely. Teachers of the department use various platforms and tools for distance learning.
The classes are continuing using the Moodle course management system, Google Classroom, Hangouts Meet …
During the quarantine, the department created more than 40 distance learning courses.
Wishing to all of us health and success in teachers’ hard work!

The National Research Foundation of Ukraine invites  to cooperation
The National Research Foundation of Ukraine invites  to cooperation


The National Research Foundation of Ukraine is launching competitive activities aimed at grants to support research and development projects of domestic scientists.

Attention!  Quarantine continued!
Attention!  Quarantine continued!


On March 11, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to introduce quarantine for all types of educational institutions.  In pursuance of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 25, 2020 (No. 239). NURE has extended its quarantine according to the order No 148 d.d. March 30, 2020.

NURE representatives participated in the All Digital Week webinar
NURE representatives participated in the All Digital Week webinar


The Department of Systems Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, as a part of the Erasmus + dComFra project, joined the European initiative All Digital Week, where a webinar “Features of creating presentations in the Microsoft PowerPoint application” for teachers took place on March 27. 

Scimago lab has released another rating
Scimago lab has released another rating


Specialists of the Spanish laboratory Scimago Lab in partnership with Elsevier published the next rating of the scientific studies of leading research centers and universities SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) 2020.

Компания GlobalLogic приглашает студентов и преподавателей на онлайн тренинги
Компания GlobalLogic приглашает студентов и преподавателей на онлайн тренинги


В связи с карантином компания GlobalLogic переносит свои тренинговые активности в онлайн.

General recommendations for the prevention of coronavirus
General recommendations for the prevention of coronavirus


The Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Center for public health, the Ministry of economic development, trade and agriculture, and the World Health Organization recommend to follow the usual preventive measures to protect against a new coronavirus infection.

Representatives of NURE took part in the career guidance exhibition
Representatives of NURE took part in the career guidance exhibition


On March 11, representatives of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took part in the professional orientation exhibition of educational institutions “Promising areas of education in the Kharkiv region”, which was held at the cultural and educational center “Palace of culture of the Kharkiv Tractor Plant”.
During the event, visitors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the presentations of new, promising and popular professions of educational institutions and educational projects in Kharkiv region, as well as to get individual advice from their representatives.
Representatives of NURE took part in the career guidance exhibition


NURE students will participate in a sociological study
NURE students will participate in a sociological study


Recently, a large – scale sociological study organized by Ernst & Young LLC – “Тhe Best it employer in Ukraine-2020”is taking place at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,in which students take part. The survey is aimed at determining the best it employers, according to students. In addition, the survey allows you to identify the expectations of young professionals when choosing a job, informs future graduates about employment opportunities and allows you to establish interaction between employers and students.