
Introduction to Programme Software Engineering
Introduction to Programme Software Engineering


We continue the series of classes “Introduction to IT speciality 121 Software Engineering (Software Engineering)” in the direction of “The basics of Linux architecture” from the Software Engineering Department of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. During the summer months (July-August) there were eight classes, in which the students had time to get acquainted with Linux and consider its architecture in practice on a separate server.

Professor Kateryna Solovyeva passed away
Professor Kateryna Solovyeva passed away


The former head of the Department of Social Informatics at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kateryna Solovyeva passed away at the age of 73.

Financial support for NURE students
Financial support for NURE students


NIX Solutions has started a new project to support future IT specialists.

NURE has resumed funding of departments according to the KPI system
NURE has resumed funding of departments according to the KPI system


Despite the full-scale aggression of russia against Ukraine, which led to severe consequences in the field of education, on September 6 at the meeting chaired by Acting Rector of NURE Igor Ruban the resumption of funding of departments on the KPI system was proclaimed.

Congratulations for the Day of Knowledge
Congratulations for the Day of Knowledge


Dear students and staff of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics!

I congratulate all of you with the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of a new academic year. Those applicants who have chosen our university, and today are our first year students, undoubtedly, made the right choice!

Department of MST establishes creative contacts with Rhapsody Academy (Poland)
Department of MST establishes creative contacts with Rhapsody Academy (Poland)


For many years the Department of Media Systems and Technologies of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics cooperates with different international partners.

Round table “Re-Designing European Digital Single Market”
Round table “Re-Designing European Digital Single Market”


On August 25 in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics a research round table was conducted on-line in the framework of the international project EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE 611988 Erasmus + Jean Monnet module « European Digital Single Market : Policy, Integration and Harmonization/EUDISIM”.

NURE scientists publish in highest ranked journals
NURE scientists publish in highest ranked journals


Despite Russia’s full-blown aggression against Ukraine and the difficult situation, an article by scientists of Artificial Intelligence Department V. Tersiyan and M. Golovyanko “Hyper-flexible Convolutional Neural Networks based on Generalized Lehmer and Power Means” .

August 23 – the Day of the Hero City of Kharkiv!
August 23 – the Day of the Hero City of Kharkiv!


Dear colleagues!
On August 23 the citizens of Kharkiv celebrate the birthday of their beloved city. From the first days of the war the Hero-City of Ukraine has been under fire, but it is firmly holding its ground and continues to live.

Congratulations on the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine!
Congratulations on the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine!


Dear colleagues!
I congratulate you on the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine! The State Flag is a symbol of the spirit and freedom of our country.

Lists of those recommended for the budget are announced
Lists of those recommended for the budget are announced


The admission committee of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics welcomed the applicants recommended for the bachelor’s budget from August 17, 2022.

NURE has improved its position in the uniRank
NURE has improved its position in the uniRank


Australian higher education search engine uniRank has released the next edition of the non-academic uniRank 2022 University Ranking.