The NURE scientist is a laureate of the President of Ukraine Award
The NURE scientist is a laureate of the President of Ukraine Award


On February 13, at the solemn ceremony held at the VI Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky presented the certificate and honorary mark to Marina Yevdokimenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Information and Communication Engineering named after V.V. Popovsky of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, who won the 2019 President’s Award for Young Scientists for her work “Models and Methods of Structural and Functional Self-Organization of Wireless Infocommunication Networks”.

Department of Media Systems And Technologies conducts classes for students of the Small Academy of Sciences
Department of Media Systems And Technologies conducts classes for students of the Small Academy of Sciences


Since 2014, the Department of Media Systems And Technologies (MST) conducts classes for students of the Small Academy of Sciences (MAN) in the classrooms of the Department. Teachers of the Department conduct classes among students of the 8-11th grades  on the program “Basics of computer graphics” in the Scientific Department of Computer Science. Extracurricular education program in the research trends “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics” was agreed by the Methodological Council of the Municipal higher education institution “Kharkiv Academy of Continuous Education” (Protocol No. 3 d.d.16.05.2019) and approved by the order of the Department of science and education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration d.d. 18.06.2019 No. 176.

Every week, students have the opportunity to study modern image editors, improve their skills in processing raster images in Adobe Photoshop, create animations in Adobe Illustrator, model three-dimensional objects in 3D MAX, and create animations in Adobe Flash.

Competitive selection for the ERASMUS + program is announced
Competitive selection for the ERASMUS + program is announced


To study in Poland at the University named after Kazimir the Great during the spring semester Erasmus+ program invites students of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of the faculity of Computer sciences, faculity of computer engineering and control, faculity of information and analytical technologies and management and faculity of electronic and biomedical engineering.

Candidates for the program should contact the International Relations Department, room 3.

Second university-school scientific and practical conference “First steps in science – from theory to practice 2020»
Second university-school scientific and practical conference “First steps in science – from theory to practice 2020»


On February 14, the Second University-School Scientific and Practical Conference “First Steps in Science – from Theory to Practice 2020” took place.

Erasmus + Information Day in KNURE
Erasmus + Information Day in KNURE


On February 8, an information event was held in KNURE as part of the third (Regional) stage of the All-Ukrainian School Olympiad in Information Technology. The event was organized by the participants of the Erasmus + project team “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens”, dComFra.

NIX Solutions Ltd invites you for testing
NIX Solutions Ltd invites you for testing


The Department “Career Center” of NURE together with the IT company NIX Solutions Ltd invite students to the testing, which will take place on the basis of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics on February, 25 at 15.00

Representatives of the Turkish company TR-Motor visited NURE
Representatives of the Turkish company TR-Motor visited NURE


On February 14 representatives of the Turkish company TR -Motor consisting of a member of the Board of TR-Motor Osman Dur, business analyst TR-Motor Bushra Yüksel visited the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

NURE students took part in the contest “Aviator 2020”
NURE students took part in the contest “Aviator 2020”


On February 7, students of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took part in the second stage of the all-Ukrainian student competition “Aviator 2020”.

NURE athlete won the first place
NURE athlete won the first place


February 9. On the basis of the Boyko school “Sokolniki”, an open mixed badminton tournament took place. It was held by the Kharkiv badminton sports club, under the leadership of the honored coach of Ukraine Mikhail Sterin. First place in the category was won by the student of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Konstantin Gavrushenko.

Congratulations with the international day of women and girls in science!
Congratulations with the international day of women and girls in science!


Congratulations to everyone to the International Day of women and girls in science! We wish the wonderful and intelligent half of our society new creative achievements and further success in the field of science and education!

22 December 2015, the UN General Assembly established an annual international day of recognition of the significant role of women and girls in science and technology.

The third stage of the all-Ukrainian Olympiad started in NURE
The third stage of the all-Ukrainian Olympiad started in NURE


On February 8, the third regional stage of the all-Ukrainian Pupil’s Olympiad in information technologies started on the basis of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

Representatives of NURE met with schoolchildren
Representatives of NURE met with schoolchildren


On February 6, representatives of the Admissions Committee of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics met with the pupils of the Kharkiv Lyceum N 107 and held a career guidance event. During the meeting, future applicants were introduced to the advantages of studying at the University and the opportunity to get a modern IT education.