Department of Media Systems And Technologies conducts classes for students of the Small Academy of Sciences


Since 2014, the Department of Media Systems And Technologies (MST) conducts classes for students of the Small Academy of Sciences (MAN) in the classrooms of the Department. Teachers of the Department conduct classes among students of the 8-11th grades  on the program “Basics of computer graphics” in the Scientific Department of Computer Science. Extracurricular education program in the research trends “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics” was agreed by the Methodological Council of the Municipal higher education institution “Kharkiv Academy of Continuous Education” (Protocol No. 3 d.d.16.05.2019) and approved by the order of the Department of science and education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration d.d. 18.06.2019 No. 176.

Every week, students have the opportunity to study modern image editors, improve their skills in processing raster images in Adobe Photoshop, create animations in Adobe Illustrator, model three-dimensional objects in 3D MAX, and create animations in Adobe Flash.

Also annually teachers Gubnitskaya Y.S. and Deineko Zh.V. take part in the Jury of the IInd (regional) stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of the students-members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Department of Media Systems And Technologies conducts classes for students of the Small Academy of Sciences