Erasmus + Information Day in KNURE


On February 8, an information event was held in KNURE as part of the third (Regional) stage of the All-Ukrainian School Olympiad in Information Technology. The event was organized by the participants of the Erasmus + project team “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens”, dComFra. Professors of the Department of Systems Engineering and teachers of informatics from schools of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region – the heads of school teams participating in the Olympiad attended the event. During the event, the head of the Department of Systems Engineering I. Grebennik told the teachers about the opportunities provided by the project on improving the level of digital competence, future certification of knowledge and participation in the recently created Ukrainian National Digital Coalition Digital Coalition of Digital Transformation. IV Grebennik informed the participants of the event about the creation of the Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Citizens and the Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers, proposed by the dComFra project team, and invited teachers to participate in the project.

Erasmus + Information Day in KNURE