Training and UNICOM Coordination meeting took place at the University of Genoa


Within the implementation of the ERASMUS +KA 2 CBHE project «Universities Communities: strengthening cooperation» («Universities and local communities: strengthening cooperation») UNICOM No. 101083077) an educational visit «Third Mission, What Steps and What Responsibilities: University of Genoa» has been held for representatives of universities – members of the consortium from May 26 to 31 at the University of Genoa (city of Genoa, Republic of Italy).
NURE was represented by Vasyl Rossikhin, Vice-Rector for Corporate Affairs, Maksym Kolisnyk, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, and Vlad Dyachenko, Lecturer of the Department of Computer Science.
The participation in a meeting of higher education institutions’ heads and representatives of international cooperation departments for further planning of project implementation; discussion of the concept of setting up a Center for interaction with the community on the basis of member universities of the consortium, development of policy and methodology for assessing its further functioning; presentation to the organizers and participants of the event of the results regarding the completed tasks of the project – the university’s activities regarding the implementation and strengthening of the third mission was an urgent purpose of the visit.
The participants discussed the algorithm and the main stages of the further implementation of the project, summarized the main criteria and quality guarantees of project implementation in communities, and also emphasized the procedure for developing a strategy for working in small groups during this event. In the course of the work the place of decentralization as one of the main goals of the strategy of strengthening the third mission has been singled out.
According to the results of the event, the participants of the educational visit unanimously supported the idea of involving all employees of the university community into the process of creating Centers of interaction with the community and approved the algorithm for the further implementation of the project.

Training and UNICOM Coordination meeting took place at the University of Genoa