Safe learning space opened at NURE


On June 6, a new safe learning space was opened at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE).
One of our priorities is to create conditions for safe offline classes and innovative events for students and schoolchildren. To this end, we opened the first shelter.
In implementing this initiative, we joined forces with Kharkiv IT Cluster, IT4Life, the city council, Kharkiv Reforms Office, and IT companies led by EPAM Ukraine. Thanks to this, we have a modern, safe space where more than 2300 students can gain knowledge and practical skills.
We are grateful to our partners, in particular EPAM Ukraine, which provided the repair and arrangement of the safe space, as well as Kharkiv IT Cluster for its ongoing support of important university initiatives.
We would also like to thank our students and teachers who actively use the opportunity to communicate live and enthusiastically meet in the new space.