On December 18, the Assembly hall of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics hosted the sports festival “The Best Athlete of NURE – 2019”
On December 18, the Assembly hall of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics hosted the sports festival “The Best Athlete of NURE – 2019”
Students of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Alexey Budyansky and Sergey Iordanov, took part in the Anniversary International Student Conference dedicated to the centenary of the University of Science and Technology which was held in Krakow, Poland. NURE has an Agreement on cooperation in the fields of science and education with this University
Team of powerlifting of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, under the guidance of coach, senior lecturer of the Department of FVS Natalia Didiuk, took the third place among 17 teams in the regional sports competitions “Sport for life”
On December 16, a delegation of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, headed by Rector Valerii Semenets, participated in parliamentary hearings on “Building an effective system of intellectual property protection in Ukraine”.
On December 5, senior lecturer of DOED Pavel Galkin took part in TechWave- meetup, which was organized by Waverley Software and devoted to the discussion of current trends in the development of the Internet of things.
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics has signed a cooperation agreement with Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Technical University (Turkey) to participate in the MEVLANA Academic Exchange Program.
On December 16, at the premises of Synergy Science Park, a musical-poetic evening of Kharkov actor Mykola Mokh took place on the poetry works of the prominent Ukrainian poet and prose writer, public figure, dissident and political prisoner Igor Kalinets.
Within the framework of the new development strategy of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, aimed at enhancing internationalization and improving the employment of graduates, NURE has been officially admitted to the University Agency of Francophonie.
Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Maryna Evdokimenko became the winner of the President’s Award for Young Scientists for her work “Models and methods of structural and functional self-organization of wireless infocommunication networks”.
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, together with the Ministry of Education and Science, Ukrainian and European higher education institutions, will work on a project to counter hybrid threats.
On December 11, on the basis of the Center for Postgraduate Education of NURE, a course of classes “Systems Software” began with a group of students sent by the Kharkiv Employment Center.
On December 12, a Conference of the primary trade union organization was held in the assembly hall of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. During the Conference members heard a report of the chairman of the union Andrii Frolov on the results of work, as well as re-elected the leadership