On May 25, in the conference hall of RSC “Metalist”, a city tournament on intellectual games “What? Where? When?” among students and student councils.
On May 25, in the conference hall of RSC “Metalist”, a city tournament on intellectual games “What? Where? When?” among students and student councils.
On May 24, the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics officially signed memorandums of understanding as part of its participation in the USAID Project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure of Ukraine.”
Artem Brysenko, a student of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, took second place at the competition and for the first time fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports of Ukraine in arm wrestling.
The team of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics consisting of Anastasia Kruglova, Anna Zhuravlyova, Anastasia Kiryak and Eugenia Lega took part in the scientific quest “Search for the treasures of science” and won first place. The event took place online on May 21, at the initiative of the Council of Young Scientists at KhRSA.
The Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took part in the international exhibition “EDUCATION of Kharkiv region – 2021”, which took place on May 21 in the city garden. T.G. Shevchenko.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine invites you to take part in the webinar “eduGAIN – your key to international scientific and educational services”, which will take place online on May 26, 2021, starting at 14:00.
The Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics hosted the awarding of diplomas to the winners of sections of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Foreigners, which took place within the XXV International Youth Forum “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century”.
As part of the implementation of the strategic objectives of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and at the initiative of the representatives of the Supervisory Board of NURE, a survey is conducted on digital library services that are important to you. We invite you to take part in the survey, the results will be used in the transformation of the library of the University of Radio Electronics.
On May 24, the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Synergy Science Park, will officially sign memoranda of understanding within the framework of NURE’s participation in the USAID Cyber Security of Ukraine’s Critical Infrastructure Project.
Teams of students from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took part in the 18th Kharkiv Sports Programming Championship, which took place on May 16 and opened the season of algorithmic programming.
Mykola Senchenko, Honorary Professor of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the Prize named after Ivan Franko, was awarded the Order of Merit of the II degree. The relevant order “On the awarding of state awards of Ukraine on the occasion of Science Day” is posted on the official website of the President of Ukraine.
We invite entrants and their parents to take part in the event from the Department of Software Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics – #121NURE: SE Welcome Day, which will take place online on May 25 at 19.00.