The cycle of summer intensives from NURE has come to the end


On June 5, as part of the summer intensives held by the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics for schoolchildren of Lyceum “Giftedness”, a tournament of young mathematicians was held, the tasks for which were prepared by 4th-year student of NURE Stanislav Kachanov (PZPI-17-7). The tournament was attended by 40 pupils (5 teams of 8 participants). Each team had to report, be an opponent and review the task accordingly. In addition to the lyceum teachers, the members of the jury were our students Stanislav Kachanov (PZPI-17-7), Anton Gavrashenko (SPM-20-2) and Dmytro Rudenko (PZPI-17-2).

The cycle of summer intensives from NURE has come to the end