The course “DART basics” from the company Progresstech Ukraine has been completed
The course “DART basics” from the company Progresstech Ukraine has been completed


As part of the development of non-formal education for students and teachers of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, the course “DART basics” from Progresstech Ukraine was completed.

The NURE Museum has received a new edition “Golden Fund of the Nation. Anniversaries of Ukraine. Events. Names. Achievements”
The NURE Museum has received a new edition “Golden Fund of the Nation. Anniversaries of Ukraine. Events. Names. Achievements”


All-Ukrainian project “Anniversaries of Ukraine. Events and personalities of the XXI century” for 10 years opens the world of political, business, the intellectual, artistic elite of our state, the world of professionals and individuals. The pages of the book in the form of essays and interviews present the Heroes of Ukraine, personalities in various fields of politics, public life, military affairs, economics, science, education, medicine, culture, art.

NURE conducts summer intensives for the strongest students of the region
NURE conducts summer intensives for the strongest students of the region


From May 31 to June 5, students of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and employees of the Department of Software Engineering take an active part in the intensive care of the Kharkiv Scientific Lyceum-Boarding School “Giftedness”.