The course “DART basics” from the company Progresstech Ukraine has been completed


As part of the development of non-formal education for students and teachers of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, the course “DART basics” from Progresstech Ukraine was completed.

180 teachers and students from NURE took part in this project. From Faculty of Automa­tics and Computerized Technologies – 8 students, from Faculty of Infocommunications – 5 students, from Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control – 17 students, from Faculty of Information Radio Technologies and Technical Information Security – 2, from Faculty of Information and Analytical Technologies and Management – 1, from Faculty of Computer Science – 145 students and 2 lecturers.

Online lectures and workshops lasted from February to May 2021, and now the defence of real projects completed by students during the course has begun. All participants received certificates.

The course “DART basics” from the company Progresstech Ukraine has been completed