The NURE Museum has received a new edition “Golden Fund of the Nation. Anniversaries of Ukraine. Events. Names. Achievements”


All-Ukrainian project “Anniversaries of Ukraine. Events and personalities of the XXI century” for 10 years opens the world of political, business, the intellectual, artistic elite of our state, the world of professionals and individuals. The pages of the book in the form of essays and interviews present the Heroes of Ukraine, personalities in various fields of politics, public life, military affairs, economics, science, education, medicine, culture, art.
There are also stories about some companies, institutions, organizations of Ukraine – the anniversaries of 2020. There is a page dedicated to Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, which in 2020 celebrated its 90th anniversary.
The reference and biographical publication aim to inform the public about significant events, anniversaries, memorable dates of 2020 and worthy names that created our past and create a successful today.
The book was published thanks to the efforts of the Ukrainian Confederation of Journalists.
It has become a good tradition to honour those who, with their inspired work and achievements in various fields, help Ukraine to establish itself in the world and become a developed European state.

The NURE Museum has received a new edition “Golden Fund of the Nation. Anniversaries of Ukraine. Events. Names. Achievements”