Volodymyr Pylypovich Tkachenko
Professor of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies, member of the National Academy of Sciences, candidate of technical sciences, professor
Yuliia Andrusenko
Assistant Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Hanna Dobrorodnia
Individual entrepreneur in the field of providing information and computing services, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Nataliia Yeromina
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electronic Computers, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Yuliia Shmatko
Senior Dispatcher of Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Oleksii Vertii
Doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Senior Scientest, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Mykola Senchenko
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine, Ivan Franko Prize Laureate.
Maksym Chernyshov
Graduate student of the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems
Valerii Semenets
Professor of BME Department, Honorary Professor University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, IEEE Member, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Volodymyr Lukianenko
Head of the students' primary trade union organization
Lina Zadorozhnaya
QA Engineer «Zone3000» Head of QA
Natalya Mysenko
Vice director - Municipal Instutution The Alexander Pushkin Kharkiv Academic Russian Drama Theatre (KU KARDT IM. A. S. PUSHKINA)