Volodymyr Pylypovich Tkachenko

Volodymyr Pylypovich Tkachenko
Professor of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies, member of the National Academy of Sciences, candidate of technical sciences, professor
Google Scholar ID: bgqdoUoAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and career

1975 – electrical engineer, Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (KHIRE), specialty “Automated control systems”, diploma with honors;

1979 – assistant of the department of electronic computing machines;

1982 – candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.01 – technical cybernetics and information theory, thesis topic: “Research and development of algorithms for rational planning of flow distribution in city gas networks”;

1983 – senior lecturer of the department of electronic computing machines (KHIRE);

1986 – associate professor of the department of engineering graphics (KHIRE);

1988 – head of the department of engineering graphics (KHIRE);

2008 – professor of the department of engineering and computer graphics (KhNURE).

2021 – professor of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies (KHNURE)

Information about the defense of the dissertation:

Specialty: 05.13.01 “Technical cybernetics and information theory”

Topic: “Research and development of algorithms for rational planning of flow distribution in city gas networks.” Defense on February 19, 1982 at a meeting of the specialized scientific council K 068.37.01 of the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics

Educational activity

Educational courses: electronic computing machines, computer peripherals, dialogue systems and computer graphics, engineering and computer graphics, automated design systems, the latest technologies and materials, computer graphic systems, introduction to the specialty, the basics of scientific research and the organization of science.

Research activities

Since 2002, he has been the scientific director of the research laboratory “Geo-information systems and computer graphics”.

Scientific interests – automation of management of spatially distributed objects; geoinformation systems and technologies; electronic cartography; automation of management of technological processes of media systems; automated planning and management of the development and operation of gas distribution systems.

Scientific and technical achievements: models and methods of building geo-informational analytical systems of cities and territorial entities (model of data organization in the system, optimal system architecture, digital map development technologies, methodology of system development and implementation using WEB technologies based on proprietary and free tool software ); models and methods of automating the management of technological processes of publishing and printing enterprises (methods of development of means of automation of prepress preparation of publications, methods of solving the problem of optimal loading of technological equipment of a printing enterprise); models and methods of automated management of the development and functioning of gas distribution systems.

Within the framework of the implementation of scientific research works, he worked as a scientific supervisor of 4 state budget and 15 farm contract works, including: “Research and development of generalized color reproduction models”, “Development of technology and tools for creating urban geoinformation systems based on open source software products” , “Development of the concept and scheme of scenarios of multimodal interaction of the user with the office application on the Tizen platform” (customer – representative office of SAMSUNG in Ukraine), “Creation of a geo-information system for monitoring the impact of hydrocarbon exploration and production projects on the socio-economic development of local communities of the Kharkiv region” (customer – representative office of Shell Exploration and Production Ukraine Investments (IV) B.V.).
Scientific supervisor of 11 candidates of sciences in the specialties 05.13.06 – information technologies, 05.01.01 – applied geometry and computer graphics, among them: E.I. Grinchenko, O.L. Sitabdieva, I.A. Bozhynskyi, O.V. Popov, D.V. Kostarev, K.O. Kobylnyk, V.F. Chelombitko, I.S. Tabakova Academic supervisor of post-graduate and master’s students.

International activities / participation in international projects

The representative of KhNURE in the international association of universities International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts: Technology and Management.

Social activities

Member of the editorial board of scientific and technical magazines: “Technology and Techniques of Printing” (Kyiv, NTUU “KPI”), “Computer Technologies of Printing” (Lviv, UAD), “Bulletin of Geodesy and Cartography (Kyiv)”. Member of the working group of the TK-103 committee on standardization of geoinformation systems software. Member of the Scientific and Methodological Subcommittee on the specialty “186 Publishing and Printing” at the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine.

Member of the editorial board of the scientific and technical journal “Bulletin of the Book Chamber of Ukraine”

Awards and prizes

Badge of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine “Excellence of Education of Ukraine”.

Badge of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine “For Scientific Achievements”.

Certificate of honor of the State Committee for Information Policy, Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.

Publications and patents

More than 250 publications (including 14 textbooks, 5 monographs and 3 author certificates)