Liudmyla Degtiar
IT. Java script developer
Mariya Tkach
Аssistant of The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems
Natalya V Boiko
Head of the training laboratory of The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems
Igor Zakharov
Head of Information and Measurement Technology Department, член Вченої ради, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Yurij Kozlov
Associate Professor of Information and Measurement Technology Department, Member of the NURE Alumni Association, PhD in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
Vladyslav Diachenko
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electronic Computers, Member of Academic Council, Member of the NURE Alumni Association, deputy director of the educational and scientific center of correspondence form of education
Tetiana Tkachova
Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Sofiia Khrustalova
Associate professor of the CITAR Department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, member of the KHNURE Alumni Association
Volodymyr Stupkin
Vladyslav Kashuba
Tetyana Kashuba
Dmytro Kostaryev
Candidate of Engineering Science