International Association of Alumni Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Public organization «International Association of Alumni Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics further “Association”, is a public organization created by individuals on the basis of the unity of their interests with a view to the joint realization of goals and objectives. The main goal of the Association is to raise the international rating of NURE.

The purpose of the Association:

– Creation of conditions for educational, scientific, cultural and professional communication of graduates, students and teachers of NURE;

– assistance in the implementation of educational, scientific, socio-economic and production projects of strategic development of NURE.

The objectives of the Association are:

– by establishing an authoritative permanent public organization of graduates to promote the growth of the prestige of NURE, as one of the leading educational institutions of Ukraine and the world community of universities;

– promote the professional growth of NURE graduates, create conditions for their fuller self-realization in scientific, professional, educational, cultural and other activities; to create conditions for communication of alumni, students and university teachers, providing information exchange among graduates;

– to preserve and increase eternal spiritual values, which should become a reference point for ensuring continuity in the traditions of future generations of NURE alumni;

– to improve the content of education, the quality and efficiency of training specialists, strengthen ties and relations of NURE with other educational institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries;

– to establish partnership relations and relations of the Association with enterprises, public associations, international organizations of Ukraine and foreign countries.





Questionnaire of the member “International Alumni Association of KNURE”

Kirill Khrustalev

Presedent of Alumni Association

Kirill Khrustalev

Head of SRD, Member of Academic Council, Scientific Secretary of STC, Automation and Mechatronics Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor