Valerii Semenets

Valerii Semenets
Professor of BME Department, Honorary Professor University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, IEEE Member, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: s6cmP0MAAAAJ&hll
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1980 graduated with honors from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics, specializing in “Design and Technology of Electronic-Computer Equipment” and completed the diploma project “Logic modules and amplifiers of information converters”, having received the qualification of the engineer-designer-technologist of electronic-computer equipment. After graduating, stayed in the research department of the department of technical electronics. Worked as an engineer, junior researcher, senior engineer, senior lecturer, senior researcher.

In 1984 graduated from the postgraduate study, successfully defended Ph.D thesis “Methods and algorithms for optimizing the allocation of heat sources in multi-crystalline microassemblies, taking into account the conditions for tracing electrical connections”.

During 1989-1992 studied at the KNURE doctoral program and defended Dr. of Sc. thesis “Theoretical Foundations of Automated Design of Technical Systems based on Multicrystal Chips”. In 1994 became professor at the biomedical electronics department.

In the following years worked as an associate professor, professor of the biomedical electronics department, deputy dean of the faculty of electronic equipment for educational work, vice-rector for educational work (1995-2003), the first vice-rector of KNURE (2003-2012).

2017-2022 – Rector of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.

Educational activities

Teaches courses: “Automation of Digital Devices Designing”, “Designing FPGA in Biomedical Equipment”, “Organization of the Activity of Technical Regulatory Subdivisions and Institutions”, “Designing Measurement Tools”, “Designing Measurement Tools and Information Measurement Systems”, “Automation of Experimental research”, “Methodology of creation of complexes of high quality”.

Research activities

In 1997, at the Department of Biomedical Electronic Devices and Systems Professor V.V. Semenets created a research group on the development of biomedical equipment and multifunctional microprocessor systems and founded a scientific school of microprocessor medical systems, which today, as a member of the professor O.G. Avrunin, assistant professors T.V. Nosova, L.O. Averyanova, T.V. Zhemchuzhkina, senior teacher O.I. Sklyar develops multifunctional microprocessor systems in medicine. Under the supervision of V.V. Semenets has 3 doctoral theses (A.M. Sinotin, I.V. Prasol, O.G. Avrunin), 8 Ph.D theses.

In 2004-2005 under his leadership a set of multifunctional laboratory stands was created, which includes microcontrollers, signal processors, programmable integrated circuits, on the basis of which various autonomous control systems are developed. The complex is used not only in NURE, but also in many universities in Ukraine.

In 2007-2012 under the guidance of V.V. Semenets a hardware-software complex of high-precision neurosurgical interventions and functional diagnostics of external respiration was created. The complex is used in the neurosurgical and otorhinolaryngology departments of the Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital.

In 2010-2012 for the first time in Ukraine under the leadership of V.V. Semenets developed and created a unique installation for remote conducting of laboratory works on technical disciplines. Used today in the process of distance learning.

Scientific supervisor of special educational and rehabilitation department for students with special educational needs.

Member of editorial board in “Ukrainian Metrological Journal”,“Bionics of intelligence”, “Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine”, “Innovative Technologies and Scientific Solutions for Industries”.

International activities / participation in international projects

1998 – 1999, Jyväskylä, Finland. Expert of EU project “Tempus-Tasis”.
1999 – supervisor of the student internship programme at the enterprises of Germany through the DAAD.
2001 – Guangzhou. The head of the delegation to establish partnerships with universities in China.
2003 – Bethlehem. Project coordinator, U.S. Department of State “A Partnership for Educational and Technical Change”.
2004 – Baku, Azerbaijan. Project coordinator, U.S. Department of State “A Partnership for Educational and Technical Change”.
Since 2017 – Heads the official international delegations partnerships in education and research with universities Poland, France, China, Latvia, Turkey and other countries.
2019 – participant of international project «Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens» (dComFra, Ne 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) Erasmus+ КА2: Capacity Building in the field of higher education.

Social activities 

From 2009 to 2014 – Member of the Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the training of students with disabilities.

Honorary member of independent not governmental noncommercial organization Ukrainian Association for Computer Medicine.

Member of NGO “Kharkiv Academy of Standardization”.

Honorary Professor University of Economy in Bydgoszcz (Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy).

IEEE Member number: 95115873

State Awards

2008 – State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for the work “Financial Management System in the field of Education and Science”.
1999 – The sign “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”.
2019 – State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education for project “Integrated information E-learning environment and rehabilitation approaches for realize equal access to quality education for persons with special needs”.

Publications and patents

Has more than 300 scientific publications, including 9 monographs, more than 50 learning books, 65 patents and certificates for inventions.