Faculty of Information and Analytical Technologies and Management

The Faculty was established to organize educational activities in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and prepares applicants based on the licenses obtained by KhNURE for the following levels of higher education, specialties, educational programs:

The first (bachelor) level of higher education:

051 Economics (educational and professional program “Economic Cybernetics”);

113 Applied Mathematics (educational and professional program”Applied Mathematics”);

122 Computer Science (educational and professional program”Informatics”);

124 System Analysis (educational and professional program “System Analysis”).

The second (master’s) level of higher education:

051 Economics (educational and professional program “Economic Cybernetics”);

• 073 Management (educational and professional program “Management of financial and Economic Security”);

113 Applied Mathematics (educational and professional program”Applied Mathematics”);

122 Computer Science (educational and professional program” Informatics”);

124 System Analysis (educational and professional program “System Analysis and Management”).

The third (educational and scientific) level of higher education:

051 Economics (educational and scientific program “Economics”).

113 Applied Mathematics (educational and scientific program”Applied Mathematics”);

122 Computer Sciences (educational and scientific program “Informatics”);

124 System Analysis (educational and scientific program “System Analysis”).

The Faculty also participates in the Science Doctors training. The Faculty includes structural units:

– Department of Economic Cybernetics and Economic Security Management (EC);

– Department of Informatics (INF);-  Department of Applied Mathematics (AM);

– Department of Higher Mathematics (HM);

– educational laboratories of the departments, educational and scientific laboratories, scientific research  laboratories.

The staff of the Faculty unites about 100 scientific and pedagogical persons, scientists, pedagogical persons, educational and support staff (including 1 Academician, 16 Doctors of Science, more than 40 Candidates of Science and Doctors of Philosophy) and more than 600 students.

The Faculty conducts research in the following areas:

  1. Organizational and economic provision of the competitiveness adaptive management, marketing efficiency, innovation, investment and financial activities of economic entities in the mixed external environment conditions (Department of EC).
  2. Mechanisms for ensuring innovation and investment development, economic security and enterprises adaptation in the transformational economy (Department of EC).
  3. Economic and mathematical modeling and information and analytical technologies in the socio-economic processes study (Department of EC).
  4. Development of normalization, recognition, analysis and image processing methods in computer vision systems (Department of  INF).
  5. Development and research of intellectual data analysis  methods in visual information processing tasks (Department of  INF).
  6. Development and analysis of temporal processing models and methods of video sequences (Department of  INF).
  7.  Stochastic models and methods in energy systems (Department of AM).
  8. Stochastic models and methods of detection, recognition, classification and high-precision tracking of moving objects in the ground, air and sea environment (Department of AM).
  9. The method of R-functions in mathematical modeling  of physical and mechanical fields (Department of AM).
  10. Mathematical modeling of steady-state and non-stationary processes in radio physics (Department of HM).
  11. Mathematical methods of assessing the measurement quality (Department of HM).

Faculty Departments actively support the international cooperation within the framework of concluded agreements with leading universities: Linnaeus University (Kingdom of Sweden), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitaet Hannover (Federal Republic of Germany), Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego (Republic of Poland), AGH (Krakow, Poland), Université de Limoges (Limoges, France), as well as with the Lublin branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Scientists and the pedagogical staff, students of the Faculty take an active part in the international scientific and educational cooperation within a number of the international projects’ implementation (Erasmus Jean Monnet, NUMECO with the support of the University Agency of Francophonie, Horizon 2020 NOTIONES, Horizon 2020 EQUALS-EU, Erasmus +) and are involved annually to the Erasmus+ international academic mobility programs (KA1, KA2).



Volodymyr Doroshenko


Volodymyr Doroshenko

Dean of the Faculty of Information and Analytical Technologies and Management, Member of Academic Council, Member of EMC Presidium, Member of the Coordination Council of the NURE Alumni Association, Professor Department of Higher Mathematics, IEEE Senior Member, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor


Main building, 3rd floor,

Room: 373

+38 (057) 702-13-35
