Mariya Tkach

Mariya Tkach
Аssistant of The Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems
Scopus ID: 57224397843
Documents by author:4
Total citations:28
Google Scholar ID: UeyvFRMAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2014-2016 – Senior Lab Technician, Radio Engineering Basics Department, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2018 – graduated with honors the Kharkiv National University of Radio and Radio Engineering (KHNURE) for specialty: Telecomunicatia and Radio Engineering.

2018 – at this time – a graduate student of the Department of Metrology and Technical Expertise in the specialty 152 “Metrology and Information Measuring Technology”.

2018-2023 – Assistant of the Department of microprocessor technologies and systems (MTS).

Educational activity

Teaches laboratory classes in disciplines: “Design of devices on microcontrollers and FPGA” with such modules: “Modeling of digital signals using MATLAB and VHDL”, “FPGA”.

State Awards

Аwardee of the 10-th All-Ukrainian Competition of the Science Professionals of the Maybut Industry of the Vodafone Company.

Publications and patents

Has 5 publications.