Vladyslav Diachenko

Vladyslav Diachenko
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electronic Computers, Member of Academic Council, Member of the NURE Alumni Association, deputy director of the educational and scientific center of correspondence form of education
Google Scholar ID: dC3YvlwAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career


  • student (2002-2007), qualification: engineer- researcher of computer systems and networks;
  • assistant of DEC (2008-2016);
  • senior lecturer of DEC (since 2016).

Educational activity

Lecturer disciplines: “Mathematical packages in modeling of computer systems”, “Hardware description languages”.

Research activities

Postgraduate student of KNURE since 2007 by 2010.

Social activity

Deputy director of Education and Scientific Centre for Extramural Education.

Publications and patents

More than 20 publications.