Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control

The faculty of computer engineering and control is engaged in preparing students by two levels of higher education: Bachelor and Master, by two specialties:

  • 123 – “Computer Engineering”;
  • 125 – “Cyber security” (specialization “Security of Information and Communication Systems”).

Students of the specialty “Computer Engineering” mastered the principles of construction, technical equipment and technology for the design of computer systems and networks, methods for creating and administering software for computer systems, as well as network operating systems (Microsoft Windows Server, GNU / LINUX and other UNIX systems). Students study:

  • modern systems of language descriptions and high-level general-purpose programming languages (C ++, C#, Python, Java), high-level languages and advanced technologies for implementation of interactive web-applications (JavaScript, PHP, AngularJS, NodeJS);
  • the basics of software designing and hardware development of the devices at the system level, the development of IP-core for systems on the crystal, as well as the programming of microcontrollers, techniques for designing, maintaining reliability and security in corporate computer systems and networks, as well as in specialized computer systems and networks;
  • types and principles of organization and designing of modern wireless networks;
  • cloud services and mobile applications, smart devices and infrastructures integrated with Internet of Things and Big Data.

Students specializing in «Cyber Security» study:

  • information and communication systems, operating systems;
  • programming technologies, object-oriented programming, applied cryptology, cryptosystems and cryptographic protocols;
  • information protection in information and communication systems, programming of basic information security objects, integrated security systems information, regulatory information security, complexes of technical protection of information, information security management;
  • protected electronic document systems and electronic document management, security, e-commerce, banking and payment systems, expertise, standardization and certification systems and information security.
Oleksii Liashenko


Oleksii Liashenko

Dean of Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control, Member of EMC Presidium, Member of the Coordination Council of the NURE Alumni Association, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associated Professor


Main building, 3rd floor,

Room: 378, 380

+38 (057) 702-14-21
