Department of Information Technology Security (ITS)

The department carries out educational, methodical and scientific activities in the specialty 125 “Cybersecurity” for the educational program “Information and Communication Systems Security” (BIMS) for the bachelor’s, master’s levels of higher education and the Ph.D.’s level of doctorate in day, correspondence, distance learning, and retraining and advanced training of specialists in the provision of services in the field of technical protection of information in the area of ​​

  • “Information Security”,
  • “Identification of mortgage devices”,
  • “These information security protection”,
  • “Certification of complexes of technical protection of information”.

Graduates receive skills and competencies in:

  • the design, implementation, support of integrated information security systems, secure electronic document systems and electronic document management, e-commerce, banking and payment systems, the development of secure software in C / C ++ / C # / JAVA / PHP;
  • examination, standardization and certification of information security systems and systems;
  • management of information security on the objects of information activities in government bodies, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, scientific and production associations, fuel and energy sector, large IT –  companies.

Research directions are the creation of comprehensive information security systems, software, software and hardware cryptographic information protection, secure information technologies for data transmission, processing and storage, assessment of the current state of organizations’ security, investigation of incidents of information security breaches, development of proposals for minimizing risks and threats.

The department employs 8 doctors of technical sciences, 8 candidates of technical sciences, a specialized scientific council for the protection of master’s theses on the specialty of the “information protection system”.

The students of the department are the winners of all-Ukrainian and international Olympiads on information security.

Hennadii Khalimov


Hennadii Khalimov

Head of Department of Information Technologies Security, Head of Specialized Academic Council, Member of EMC Presidium, Head of the Section 5 of EMC, Member of STC, Member of the NURE Alumni Association, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Room: 340 – 346

+38 (057) 702-14-25