Department of Сomputer intelligent technologies and systems (CITS)

At the Faculty of CEM (according to the writ number 217 of 04/26/2019) a new department “Computer Intelligent Technologies and Systems” (CITS) was created.

The main direction of training masters in the new educational program СIT – algorithmic, software and hardware of computer intelligent systems. It is planned to teach disciplines in areas including: big data analysis using artificial neural networks; intelligent video analytics; fundamentals of deep learning (for computer vision, image recognition, etc.; methods and artificial intelligence (AI); intelligent computer systems on the Raspberry Pi platform and programming for it in Python; accelerated computing fundamentals on CUDA (for C / C + +, Python); acceleration of applications for cybersecurity using the GPU; architecture of neurocontrollers and neuroprocessors; computational methods and models based on artificial immune systems and other disciplines.

Constantly emerging new technologies are already changing our lives and the world around us. Virtual reality, augmented reality, facial recognition technology, embedded system, smart homes, smart cities, smart manufactures, generating adversarial networks (GAN), genetic predictions, using AI for the development of computer vision is no longer a fantasy, but real opportunities to make a revolution in medicine , science, manufacturing and robotics.

Join us!

Oleg Rudenko


Oleg Rudenko

Head of Department of Сomputer intelligent technologies and systems, professor of Department of Electronic Computers (part-time), Member of the Specialized Academic Council, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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